18 de septiembre, 2020 — La otrora Cuarta Transformación

Cualquier parecido con Hermann Göring is probably better explained in the Wikis.

Pg. 36 L'embrigadement nazi

Pg. 36 L’embrigadement nazi .:. A751B1DF-7F90-4527-BF7D-6AAF7115A5AB 🏛 Documentation Photographique de los años 30’s del siglo 20.

… and in Washington, playing the hidden Right-Hand of the pianola, the president of them united states of america issued an Executive Chancellor Order establishing the Deer Leader’s Montessori school of the americas, and to christen D.A.T. vessel, little Wilbur Vassoughian Mohyeldin, is done with the letter “Z” and he is ready to go all Greek on the horizon… ¿AGUAS?

From Left to Right

The Poles are Talking .:. C7B84F7D-052E-42BD-9ED1-182005FC3ABB 🗺 The Little Basterds… all of them were “boy scouts”, except for Little Mikita (a.k.a. “the cookie pusher”)… jump to Page 2, for the rest, —of the story. 2️⃣ He was called a loser by the Party and he was shun by the high brass up the chain. In the picture, a young Brian Wilmer (recovering after the prisoner exchange with “the enemy”) shows the Deer Leader’s Montessori school newspaper board the clandestine gifts that “the enemy” bestowed him with before departing the demilitarized zone. —_•!•_— From left to right: Little Mikita Brzezinski, Rolo LeMire, Little Joey Scarborough the III, and the one and only, Willie Geist. 

… [B]ut FO’ist, the staff remains at–large, and Catalonio Barcelonnetto de Peralvillo has been tasked as a sort of bouncer at a dive called, Suspended Reality.

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /ultimas /mundo /2020/09/16 /que-grite-la-economia-peter-kornbluh-4109.html

“Ese hijo de puta, ese Allende hijo de puta”, exclamó Nixon en una reunión posterior con Korry en la Oficina Oval. “Vamos a aplastarlo”.


… no se vaya, “porque aun hay »;


TimeStamp: May 25th and June 29 of 1974.

Those were the days, Henry — those were THE DAYS. The days when NIXON Threathen L’Europa.

it took TWO YEARS to bring NIXON Down.

According to talking heads on the Morjo Show: today is a moment in history that rhymes with what is going on — and that it’s taking place today… “a daily duplicity” that now is on an HOURLY BASIS, so says Mike BarnicleThe TimeLine, echos the wife* of the boss** of a former police beat reporter (Alfred Friendly 1911-1983) at El WaPo who happened to have had his Squelch On, and because of it he was able to pick up the “scoop” of the break-in at The Watergate Hotel.

En vivo… ¡y a todo color! 44 años después de los efectos colaterales del atraco fallido en el Hotel Watergate.

And now Ladies in Gemeni, it’s time for another Lighning Round of JEOPARDY, with your host Alejandro Trebek.

Gael García Bernal en el rol de Alejandro Trebeck:

Welcome, to another edition of JEOPARDY; I am your host, Alejandro Trebek. Let’s Meet our contestants:

She’s a former librarian and the 43rd former First Lady of The United States of America, please welcome First Lady Laura Bush.

Next to her we have a Southern Baptist who lies —on a daily basis— for a living, and she’s actually proud of this fact.  Please give a hand to White House Press Handler Sarah Elizabeth Huckabee Sanders.

Complementing this lightning Jeopardy “match” is what seems to be developing into a permanent fixture on our show, please say hello to Armando Álvarez playing the role of Will Farrell.

Family portrait et un Héros du feuilleton.

… TimeStamp: por debajo de las faldas de fip… it’s 20H00 in Siren Central Time

Alejandro Trebeck en el rol de Óscar Peluchonneau:

— Great, after a word from our sponsors here are your categories:

  • Internment camps
  • Work Program Camps
  • Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Hungry…
  • Give me your displaced contra-revolutionaries and I will give you
    and finally:
  • Se Baila Así—Se Goza Más


For the record: Corazon (sin acento) it’s HighNoon in Central Europe Time

In OHIO it’s Six in the morning in Eastern Standard Time… Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young—plus one of the Original “runaways” follow.

American Icon, by John DeAndrea
Kent State 1991—2015
Woman figure: 113,7 x 105.4 x 68,6 cm. (approx).
Man figure: 19,1 x 188 x 58,4 cm (approx.)

Full-dressed doodle on John DeAndrea’s Grisaille in Oil on Bronze is based on a pulitzer prize snapshot. }-—-~~~\*>  DeAndrea’s work is showing at the GEORGES PHILIPPE –NATHALIE VALLOIS Gallerie (75006) until the 21st of July.

Peintre à l’huile grise sur bronze; cheveux et poils acryliquesGrisaille in O.I.L. on Bronze; locks, tresses and pubic hair acrylic. 

⇑… based on John Filo’s visual testimony of May the 4th1970, at Kent State University, of a 14 year-old runaway (Ann Vecchio) kneeling over the body of Jefferey Miller. Miller was shot by National Guard part-time (weekend) soldiers for protesting against an U.S. lead invasion into Cambodia. Neil Young would register those events in his Ohio « tribute » album, Cosby, Stills, and Nash would be playing the role of « Crazy Horse ».

Tuesday, December 20th 2016

mientras tanto en México, según la AFP, en la CDMX los amigos de La Jornada en la UNAM aseguran que las intenciones detrás de la cena que el ahora ‘oficialmente’ presidente electo de los EEUU ofreció [en La Florida] al magnate mexicano Carlos Slim, fue para “neutralizarlo” según uno de los amigos enlazados con la Sociedad Americana de México*… dicho de otra manera: el primer cabrón que fue a besar el anillo —y felicitar— a Donald Trump por su triunfo en el llamado ‘Colegio Electoral’ fue mr. Telmex.

"What's the point"… as heard on the morning Cousin Joe Show… "What's the point". | Uso justo de los moneros que dibujan con letras en La Jornada, y de los escritores que rayan con cartones en el MonoAureo.

What’s the point“… as heard on the Morning cousin Joe show… “What’s the point“. | Uso justo de los moneros que dibujan con letras en La Jornada, y de los escritores que rayan con cartones en el MonoAureo.

*  S.A.M. por las siglas
de los tíos que la componen.


Venezuela es un caos y para orgullo de los mexicanos en el extranjero, la delegación del gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto estuvo allí para dar FE a la VERDAD HISTÓRICA y DEJAR CONSTANCIA de las sesiones informales —con SEAN PENN. | Uso justo de todos los medios; contenido actualizado a las 23 horas con 24 minutos y 25 segundos —en Hawaii. || Hora en punto en París: 10 de la mañana con 26 minutos del miércoles, 21 de diciembre —2016 …[CET].

Coming Up: The Longest Night: By Fiat
… y el tipo de cambio en Venezuela, con  Jazmín  Jazmina Barrios
y Los Amigos— de RFPP (106.3 FM).

Dear Bri-Wi… in Paris it is now the eleventh hour of the a.m. dial of a SUNNY Wednesday [pre afternoon]. | The frame above is a fair use of history and media [BTW].

Dear Bri-Wiin Paris it is now the eleventh hour of the a.m. dial of a SUNNY Wednesday [pre afternoon]. | The frame above is a fair use of history and media [BTW].

 Edición 20 de Nov.    —|—   ⇓ Edición 18 de Dic. 

Estimado Bray-Güay: En Hawaii sigue siendo la Onceava Hora [por la noche] en el reloj. | Uso justo de todos los medios para dar continuidad a la nota de ayer.

Estimado Bray-Güay: En Hawaii sigue siendo la Onceava Hora [por la noche] en el reloj. | Uso justo de todos los medios para dar continuidad a la nota de ayer.