Decirlo en voz alta, inđź’€deed: Pablito clavĂł un clavito

¡Hola, Pablo!, pásale a lo barrido que para regresar a Segovia, y antes de que el artista Roger Pérez te rinda los honores en Saint Eustache, yo te voy a brindar tu obituario.

Desde las entrañas

https ://dle .rae .es /entraña

LOREM IpSum… and all that yada yada ding-dong follows, but FO’ist is the news.

And i, armando segovia, begin my round-about (glorieta en el registro de intersecciones de la RAE) at la rue de Las Tres Puertas (casi-casi con El Rocky Horror Picture Show en La Maub, where doña Vilma Fuentes and her inseparable fedora witnessed the first of three runs from the French Air Corps (From Rafales to Cougars and all the way to the Firefighters jumbo-jets) as the Elite Wings prep for Bastille Day celebrations, which promises to be like 1000% more patriotic since that one time when President Donald “Mr. Trump®️ » Trump visited the French White House in 2017.

Mas que nada, es una oportunidad para escuchar el disco de la semana, something about Satchmocracy or some Habanera like that, — pass the Ketchup.

In RAINBOWS/reckoner 📻👨🏻‍🦲


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