Previously on Luzbeki’s Evil Anagram*

* Some of the letters have been shifted to protect Bernardo Gómez, y a un puesto de Agua para Chocolate.

The following is a Special Weekend Presentation of, you guessed it, WEEKEND Edition, with your host:
Emmanuel “Cabrón*“ LUBEZKI…
With Musical Guest:
The baterista MÁS cabrón del Momento:
Antonio “Get Shorty” Sánchez… yeah Buddy!

* Because Luzbeki is a G.O.A.T., get it?
Chécale las corvas (hamstrings) es sátiro romano, y como Cousin Joe knows ROMA ES AMOR… and if you are in on today’s MORNING JOE’s tribute to BARRY White, then child, your mother should know that Love’s Theme goes here.

Televisa presenta: ustedes los bobos y un par por 200 €.

In this section, Kevin Williamson of The National Review links pages 4, 7, 10, 20, and Zissou on 22, of N° 2573 of La Semana que Philippe Labró. Of course, Kevin cheated and he just went ahead and pulled a Strauss out of Levy’s ass on page XVIII.

¡Q-vo Cabrón‽

Temp holder… this is a snapshot in progress… and Nevermid Jimi, really nevermind him because FIP.Fr his dad was sweeping the steps of the Empire, and that janitor never saw  UNA ROSA DE SU JARDÍN, because of assholes like you, period! Wanna try again, BECAUSE IN SCIENCES PO little NEWS, yada, yada, yada. Transmission WAS GARBBLRD —you fucks!

¡No sea culotte francés y fume mota!

… what Wall, Siren? Do you really–REULLIY WANT TO talk about walls? FUCK!!!

… the good thing iz that you are Knot reading this, period.

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