“THEY” say it’s Your Birthday… Happy Birthday to ya’

Meanwhile in Hilo, Hawaii, Ringo has some mini dashboard deodorant dancing Hawaiian Hula Girl Dolls around his drum set… he’s such a beat’er that Ringo Starr.

Caballo Prieto Azabache Productions

Caballo Prieto Azabache Productions, presents .:. 577B322D-45DB-4FAD-B584-CB29F8B049F3 •|• A Knight at The Opéra, starring the Gospel of Lucky LUKE.

Over on the Bass section of the Stage, Paul has not only broken —¥.€.T— another glass, “the cute one” is now flashing the Confederate NAVY 🆗 Salute… Oh, (Her Majesty), the humanity.

The Making of

The making of .:. AB2F2717-13A8-4E87-801F-25127E344B43 “!” Hamburgers in Paradise… « He’s with Her », starring Adrienne Elrod.

… but WAIT! D.A.R.E. is more, over on the Hollywood Front, Daffy Duck is set to deliver a Netflix Stand-up Special dedicated to Brad Pitt for daring to wear a White Tux to a suicide mission “Black Tie” affaire. Hollywood Front insiders relay that one of the segments of the 15-round show includes a sketch where Brad Pitt is a  « nude, gay, ghostly » Nazi–quack archeologist. Tinseltown reporter AndurielsShadow went the extra mile and got us the name of that “image”, it’s titled: The Brokeback Sixth Sense in Tibet… or something like that.

Jew say goodbye; Palestinian says Hello

las horas

Las horas in the Common Era.

… [A]nd in france, here ya’ go, you “filthy salopard”, here’s your thyme delayed Christmas gift:

A Knight at The Opera
“Eye has a structured settlement,
and Eye needs,
C.A.S.H. now!!!

Opéra House; sector NINE
Parigi, Francia.

File photo

File Photo of two hot Gilet Jaunes holding an elevator on Stand-by while the next patron saint decides if s/he will go down on D.A.T. D.A.R.E. or instead take the Stair Master.

News Tick(ler) Services report that in an un-rehearsed number of CINEMATIC Proportions the troupe of the National Opéra House adapted a M.A.S.H.-U.P. of Wolfie Amadeus “don Giovanni”, and Boston’s own, Aerosmith’s “Love in an elevator” in order to protest Jupiter’s “When I’m 64” retirement plans.

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