Well, you’ve heard about the best Mayor in the Whole Wide World

… It’s not one of Those, period

Causas y azares

Causas y azares .::. 4ACAE96C-9939-42B0-AB1A-9D241D56E31B

Meet Mayor Lyda Krewson, doxxing extraordinaire  and red meat dispenser for the “white wattage” circuitry board in the Missouri’s of them Ozarks.

Over in WaWa Land, meteorologists Bill Karens has been body–snatched by The Webb! Meanwhile in Brussels, Angela is about to take over the European Union; no word on how Germany will react to the Russian bounties on Coalition Forces in Afghanistan since the Brits and the Yanks want to go at, IT!, alone. At Frog central, the concern by the hospitality industry and the dis’n’DAT chingaderas shops is at an all time high due to an imminent shut-down of certain U.S. Arrivals to Disneyland Paris, on the streets of ol’Paname however, the local crowds could care less for the lack of tourists on their streets.

Remember now

Remember now, mr. caddy–stripe, while you were shouting “white power” in Florida, your working-class hero, Donald John Trump, had just smeared the 82nd Screaming Eagle unit patch through ignominy during the Attorney General’s clearing order for Lafayette Park. RIGHT NOW, mr. “white power” yeller, you have to decide how your movement of supremacy is going to reconcile the intel reports that show’s Vladimir Putin paying bounties for the deaths of soldiers from the 82nd Airborne, you know, the same soldiers that the 45th President of the united states TREATS like plastic toy soldiers in his “battle sandbox”.

In Florida news, Willie Geist is in shock! “The Humanity”, the Reverend Al Sharpton heard him say. The reason? Eight seconds into the Florida Villages golf cart incident it became obvious that the “white wattage” fist-in-the-air retiree is sporting an Empire “pinstripe” on that D.A.R.E. amusement park ride, proving once again, that the New York Yankees can outshine the stinky Boston Red Socks at being despicable, which is why the Brooklyn Dodgers had to look West for better opportunities to be despicable in a new town. In case you follow baseball, the MLS is cancelled this year because of salary issues, not because of the pandemic that is going on right now.

Digression from This morning in CET, Tonight.

Any güey, John Oliver, have a nice Independence Day holiday mattress shopping spree, but SIR! Do you really need the additional two-weeks off? Eye mean, sure, John Oliver, öüï all understand that you are the answer to Rich Hall at the BBC, but two weeks to purchase mattresses? WTF, John Oliver! Just how big is that American Castle that AT&T is paying for you on HoBO TV, eh, but most importantly, SIR! What in the “wide world of sports” are you doing to those poor mattresses during the year? Landing helicopters on’em, Mister Oliver, are öüï, now?

Every eon or two

Issy, Johnny Mattress sale, it happens Evry once in an eon or République, or Empire.

https ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki/Rich_Hall

Hors–Série—Breaking the intermission part Two

¡Pero!!! ¿Quiere más?
Panochita dulce arrives to México y Panamá.

Welcome, don “Pompeyo”… it’s High–Noon in CET.

Clutch it, Baby — Bad Decisions follow in Central Siren Time.

Los detalles del desierto

Rumor has it, that Saudi Arabia was drawn up by a sheik and a politician on a boat. A very big boat, a powerful boat, like torpedo launching capable boat.

This is a frame in progress. Please stand–by and keep your Squelch in position “on”. TimeNow: 13 hundred hours CET

TimeStamp: 16h20 in The Spiderman Universe… and, “The Battle for Our Better Angels” is coming right back.

When Saudi Arabia installs its despot, they’re not investing their best. They’re not INVESTING in You…

They’re INSTALLING despots that have lots of problems, and they’re sending those problems to us. They engage in Assassinations. They’re bringing CENSORSHIP. They ENSLAVE.

And some, I assume, allow the women in their lives to go see the Emoji movie, and might even let them drive.

Donald Trump
…if he (“little” Donny « the grumpy » Trump) had Real American Balls.
but by now, the ENTIRE GALAXY knows that this motherfucker,
has no balls,
This Here, motherfuckers, is PUTIN’S “little” BITCH!!!

TimeNow: 18 hundred hours
and 20 red hot minutes

in Central NATO Time
Jazz Hour —follows…
from Abroad, Ewe’all.

Coming up on The Ozarks… today the gang take on the roles of the 2004, Frank Oz, COMEDY/HORROR/Sci-Fi flick: “The Stepford Wives“. Ferris Buller, directs.

“… do me now.”

And while we [the staff] are AT IT:
Gooooooooooo Dodgers!

Intermedio — The Lazy Left Eye Sorority Sisters files

Aguas… TimeStamp is 11h20 in Central Siren Time à l’Aude, “nature is a mother,” according to the Law Offices of Murphowski & Murphowski.

previously on The Ozarks: Sept. 7th, 2018

What does it mean that I only saw Deliverance?”

“… and now we know, — The Rest of The Story. Hosted by Paul Harvey. “Good Day”.

Mika Brzezinski (Wendy Byrde)

Frequency hop— Channel: 2018 Network Satellite: Azteca•Tele•Fo•nica•visa• Feed: The Ozarks (Latin America edition)… in collaboration with Gloria Sánchez Productions… o algo así.

It warped me.”

Cousin Joe Scarbourough (Matry Byrde)


The Rockefeller Hood

Said, a Wu-Tang fan (John Heileman)

EPISODE 5: Regression

for context, SKIP to minute-mark:
Anything below the ONE MINUTE Fiftyfour SECONDS
sticking it to a Guardian (U.K.) reporter.

TimeStamp: 19h33 at Frenchy’s Animal Farm
NOLA, Ewe may TURN IT UP; Mika, put that pig down. Put it down!!!

Mean While, back at the Kiosk… context follows.

Coming up on The Ozarks… Season 2, episode 5

En este capítulo, Cousin Joe meets the neighbors and Mika recognizes an old “Lazy left eye” sorority sister.  Hilarity ensues when the neighbors decide to celebrate Maine’s decision to nominate judge Brett Kavenaugh to the Supreme Court, and extend an invitation to the soon–to–be hitched pundits to a Plague Doctor’s Mask Ball.

TimeStamp: 20 after Two on The White Night of 2018.

La Otra Zara

That fucking GAP, ZARA.

The following is a PSA
when it affects the BoBo’s
… by Sarah Moroz
from the MIMICRY files

Ruka y Xica… uso justo de todas las Sarahs.


It’s another no–News day… stayed tuned for All Quiet on The West Wing

… but first here’s Mike Barnicle with the Old Farmer’s Almanac:

An anonymous source at wether central reveals in an Op–Ed column of a New York’s newspaper that there are ONLY 16 days left in the 2018  calendar to enjoy the Ozarks… The  Fall is coming.

TimeStamp: 12h43 in Central Europe Time

Do not try to adjust your settings. •-_!_-• How many subliminal messages can Ewe spot, besides Rudy “the red nose” Lawyer… sorry about that… besides, RUDOLPH “the red nose” Raindeer on Felon’s… on Fallon’s desk?

Later Tonite at 11 o’Clock

You’ve heard about the Children of The Sun, The Children of The Corn… but have Ewe heard of Los Children of Pepper? Flip it over to channel Three (the blue channel) to find out all about em’… Sir Paul and the shimmy felon dancers, guest star. Don’t miss a beat lest you want the staff to call ewe a Death Uber* for cutie.
*… or a “cab” if it suits Ewe’all best.

TimeStamp: Station2Station and “Wild is The Wind” at 16 hundred Pennsylvania Ave      hours… in Central Siren Time.

Later on Channel Three… the Blue Channel: ¡una serie bien Cabrona!