Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle follows

Bola de putos…

… y Juanito Guanabacoa knows que sí son.

Bola de putos 106.3 fm

It’s a REPEAT:

Émissions Américas…
Desde París para BAMAKO

And you know that it is true, bola de putos…

Any how [JÄO], Juanito Guanavacoa

¿a quienes les vas?

Jesus Christ, Virginia!
Going through Ted Cruz’s CANCUN blizzard pictures is no GÜEY to do the knews… by the way, your Great-great, Eye Say Great grand uncle Rudolph says hello.

23 de marzo

She called it first…

por: staff

Just by looking at the rules. Vía: MSNBC—TRMS.

Just by looking at the rules. Vía: MSNBC—TRMS.

     Lo más sobresaliente del día de ayer [en los Estados Unidos Americanos] fue la incorporación del factor Terrorismo y Seguridad Nacional [en tiempo real] en el discurso de los candidatos por el control de la Casa Blanca y de El Pentágono; por obvias razones, los ataques en Bélgica.

El candidato Ted Cruz acarrea con todos los votos delegados del Estado de Utah para la Convención General del Partido Republicano en los Estados Unidos Americanos. | Uso justo de todos los medios para apuntar mi versión de los hechos [en tiempo real].

El candidato Ted Cruz acarrea con todos los votos de los delegados en Estado de Utah para la Convención General del Partido Republicano en los Estados Unidos Americanos. | Uso justo de todos los medios para apuntar mi versión de los hechos [en tiempo real].

Zanahorias y un trebol de tres hojas

Team C-SPAN… i have a brand new shirt for “that” archive coverage.

Uso justo de la Casa Blanca y C-SPAN . org

Uso justo de la Casa Blanca y C-SPAN . org | Remember that you will Get the Government that “you” deserve… and the man with the Green tie, can’t run the show again. ¡Thanks Delano*!!!

*Franklin D. Roosevelt

Big Joe Scarborough needs to change his shirt on MSNBC. So say the “google monkeys.

Warning: the above link is from August 8, of 2015, and part of it might ruffle some feathers with my observation of Mexico’s Energy Reform, especially as it pertains to Mrs. Clinton.

“Housekeeping and MATH”
Brian Williams

Super Tuesday 2016 Coverage
TrumpWorkNoLux | Polac BrigadePolitical Archaeologists will probably notice that this Saint Patrick’s Day coincides with the week that Gulf Oil opened their first pump in America’s Quintessential Backyard. Mexicans BTW used to celebrate Oil independence on this same week. Good news for the new Candidate in the State of Chihuahua though, and A PERFECT FIT FOR the man from 5th Ave. Talk about “OUTSIDERS.”

Still, we should move on. Remember, You Get The Government that You Deserve.

I need to go and pop some Pop Corn, Monsanto brand… of course.

Global Citizens creating change... where? | Fair use of media on the streets.

Global Citizens creating change… where? | Fair use of media on the streets.

The contenders:

C-SPAN Hillary-Kasich

Big winners tonight: Hillary R. Clinton – Gov. Kasich – and that other guy.

The one without a SUPER PAC.

C-SPAN Sanders

Sanders presentation on C-SPAN as Trump talks about how great he is, of course: on MSNBC. Time stamp: 03ooh Central Europe Time. …  Sanders: Against Perpetual WARS, against the militarization of police. Sanders promises to do better than the Status Quo. Sanders proposes TAX on SPECULATION at WALL STREET.

Waiting for ILLINOIS results to end my political coverage Malpractice for today… i too, need a drink…


The RACE for DELEGATES: “Only one can survive,” said Ted Cruz.

Timestamp 04h44

Uso justo de la hora por internet.


A las 05h30, Brian Williams declara un aparente ganador en el estado de Illinois: Hillary R. Clinton.

En Misuri parece que también puede llevarse la elección y con eso hacer que Sanders abanique… Timestamp: 05h45.


Secretary Clinton Gana.

Secretary Clinton Takes Wednesday morning… apparently she is one step closer to getting the guidon of the Democratic Party. In other news, the Republicans reduced their line up by one, as Marco Rubio fell off the trail.

Thank you Mr. Peacock, for the audio.

Uso justo de los medios.