De coup, Mme. Macron… never mind the “salamander”, period!

I’m tellin’ ya Dom 🎻, we have to stop meeting at Franche Musique chez de toi… I’m working, deer. But if Lula puts that little bird from your region at the 15éme de París, on one of his Cruzeiros it’s the end of América. Not to mention, Wonder Wimen’. The Universo, young lady, is not as big as Jupiter makes it out to be. I been around, IT!, At least a dozen times… Issy, Dom 🎻, Eye Still Haven’t Found Dépêche Mode.

https ://www .radiofrance .frz /fip /podcasts /club-jazzafip /carte-blanchea-dom-la-nena-2903658

Issy, Señora primera dama, I don’t think that the next character needs any introduction, heck just mention the code Mme Nyssen [Ministère de la culture / Actes Sud] and the pompous extravagance of La Kerschovas in rags [complete with Tatibags] appears smacked in the middle of the zebra crossroads between Lagrange and Monge at The Maub.

Working at the car* wash

Yes, HARTISTASÖüï-KNOW-dis, some they say even have the gall, The Gall, France! The gall of going full Sumo wrestler in full John Belushi regalia at LA Lucha Libre next to that fucker, The Cardinal Lemonade, next casi esquina con La Diagonal to La Sorbonne.


Anyhow, Señora Macronista⁸, as l’ancienne wife {no pun intended} of the former mono 🐵  in charge of the Ministry of Economics 🙈, Industry 🙊 and Digital Affairs 🙉 under el mapache catalán, Manuel Valls 🦝 during the Hollande 🦤 administration of México 🇲🇽 in France 🇫🇷, you really didn’t think that the spectacle of The Year of Mexico in France whole purpose involved the economic and cultural development between l’Élysée and Chapultepec³, now did you, Mme. Macron?

Courtesy of Les Publivores 🐶 🍝 🐺 y El Alternativo de La Nueva República (05/2011).

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Grab Him By The Monedero 👛…

Pink monederos… from the CREATORS of  « The Spanish Inquisition »  and “The Life of BRYAN” comes the story of  MONY KA.


And, Roger Pérezno pun intended, but I bet you a real beer that tonight or tomorrow morning, the FAG patrol at “La Bagagerie” are going to be mentioning the code, “Mony Ka” because that is what they are and that is what they do. Them fello’s parrot what their *padrino tells them to utter when I am ear-shot distance from their un_happy life, una bola de putos, en toda la extensión de la palabra, y eso no tiene nada que ver con su sexualidad.

for the record, friends don’t let Foxes drink “piss water”, anyhow.
In another Phantasy Island, Alexi Maccamond is the new host of Montalbán’s old gig, Willie GEIST method-shrinks into a French midget.

Pilot Episode:

The Plane! Ms. Rourke, the plane!


Reinheitsgebot 🍻 PROST! Alain, prost! MaddaFakka 🍻.

This segment was paid-for by PABST BLUE RIBBON.


Dear, The Economist… not a tiger, but a Black Puma

En los Hilos de Hawaii son las 10 de la noche

7000 miles from nowhere:

Happy PAN daybreak

Happy PAN daybreak.:. “Yamaguchi whalers return with haul just shy of quota” reportó the Japan Rags

Get your fucking Avatars in order… and say Hello to Actes Sud.

"Two minutes, Turkish"

“Two minutes, Turkish”, catch you a la vuelta del Cluny in 22 min… “Y a pas de Souci !”

… [M]ientras tanto en La costa Oeste de los EEUU son las 11 y media de la segunda parte del matinee de una mañana nublada en La Ciudad de París… y en el archipiélago de los nipones, no pasa nada.


Catch•a•Lot.:.CFFA7304-80FF-4B74-A7D2-2FE0D2252D8E •|• https :// www .japantimes .co .jp/news/2019/10/05/national/japanese-whaling-ship-returns-home-almost-meets-quota-first-season-since-resumption-commercial-hunt/#.XabESyWxWEc

Eye Think, Eye is feeling like a Clochardo japones but at least Eye is always welcomed at La Sopa Popular.