Katia ROUX of AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL is shocked, Alicia Leos, shocked³!!!


The trick(le) Alicia… is to show your Work.

³~. That there’s gambling going on in the HOUSE.

Yes, Öüï knew this, know that staff knew.

Disclose said that French authorities under the presidencies of President François Hollande and President Emmanuel Macron were “constantly informed” of the developments by staff at “several military departments”, but that their concerns were ignored.

French reporter arrested over leaked secrets

4 hours ago

The count is Three and Oh!


And, Ayman Moelhaldi³ it’s another Édition of the Captain Louis Renault Award.

³~. Sorry if I dismembered your last name

And here’s another thing that is conspicuously curious at el bendito Boulevard de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Alicia Leo’s, not that someone who told Ana Anabitarte that she, meaning you was a journalist in the great state of Chihuahua, México, would care 💅…

That place that used to benefit from the Gutenberg Press(e) mile marker in Paris, France (knot the one Texas) is about to turn its internal bowels into a “networking” store, and Alicia Leos, not that you would care 💅, but that corner del Boulevard de las putas viejas de Gabo used to be called The SciencesPo School of Journalism, and here’s the kicker Mike Barnicle, —you son of a bitch! That used to be The New York Times Ivory Tower for their Paris correspondents. Haw’Bout that, COLUMBIA University, how about that! You coq sucking Sons of Bitches.

[Place holder] this post is currently marinating

O como dice Keith Jarret:

Now, if you know Squat about this blog then youse in/on the right track, because nothing, Secretary Callamard, on this blog is uploaded by Mí on a mere whim… just ask FRANCISCA at the front desk of your Paris (Villette) Division Headquarters, after the customary confessionesque round-robin she sent me over to Rue Vivienne, casi esquina con la AFP; just in front of former U.S. Senator (R-MS) Claire McCaskill’s “cloak room” connection at La Bourse. Anyhow, Secretary General Agnès Callamard, i don’t have your predecessor’s “ANNUAL REPORT”, yet. I do however, have the OBSERVATORIE DE L’ACCÈS AUX DROITS ET AUX SOINS DANS LES PROGRAMMES DE MÉDECINS DU MONDE EN FRANCE in my possession, for now anyhow… hold that thought.

C’mon mama don’t be common… Indeed, Secretary General Agnès Callamard, came out swinGing in this first week at her post.

First on the list: The gift shop.

Instant replay:

In comes the changeup from Michel
the spin of that throw may be reviewed on Pg. 3 of N° 3620* transliteration of the Olympic Rules for Fast-pitched softball, “La parole est libre mais à condition qu’elle soit conforme au bien de la justice », Callamard (Team XXI Century) bunts and Michel (Team La Commune) picks up, throws to 1st, and it’s one out.

Julius César’s shenanigans allowed Team XXI Century the opportunity to evaluate the possibility of pairing Hidalgo with a “designated hitter”. The concerns from last month’s street poll on the teasers of Marianne suggested to-a-captive audience that Le Pen would have a field day with Hidalgo if the first round of elections were conducted just weeks ago in the month of March.

… technical difficulties prevented the swift delivery of the rest of the reports.