FAROS A LA DISTANCIA — relapso a las cavernas

The “Silver lining in this,” is that hand sanitizer is being used.
En México no pasa nada.

En México no pasa nada .::. F0D62F97-29B4-451D-8F57-B23A47B9A60C 🧮 Today’s front page photo of La Jornada. According to PELÁEZ, BOLAÑOS, GONZÁLEZ y QUINTERO the man with subdued hands and his mouth covered by a dirty rag is a person in a homeless situation WHO, despite his social stratus takes the precaution of using “hand sanitizer” before he becomes yet another statistic of the NARCO Violence that NEVER ceases to cede in its astronomical numbers of victims; breaking yet, another record from last year war on crime collateral deaths. 🦠 Aussi, Australians have snatched yet another DISCOVERY from The French, according to the expelled nation of Rosbif ex-cons, AUSTRALIA just discovered THE MAGIC ELIXIR OF THE AGAVE plant: TEQUILA for cars! VIVA MÉXICO, cabrones.

VIVA méxico.

Lo bueno de la temporada es de que México finally Catches up with The Times. Spring forward started today at 02h Mexico Time. The mentality of president Andrés Manuel López Obrador however is in PAR with the Donald Trump administration’s to deregulate environmental protections and who instead of taking advantage of the CLEAR BLUE SKIES which resulted from the past month–long work–from–home and subsequent empty roads across mayor cities in the world wants to put carbon emissions back to the pre–Barack Obama days, just to show Melania that he [Donald John Trump] can.

Ray Bones

“They say the Fucking smog is the Fucking reason you have such beautiful Fucking sunsets.” .::. 457371E1-3658-40B2-B9A9-3BB598A9E03C 🕶
Ray Bones (Dennis Farina) in Get Shorty.

… [B]ecause Trump can’t drive: FIFTY FIVE!

In theaters November 2020.


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