1 de mayo — We didn’t think a tug boat would make it this FAR

Coming up:

You too, belong to the Anthropocene Epoch

You too, Montesquieu, “you too motherfucker », said Voltaire, “Toi aussi” belong to the Anthropocene Epoch… context in IVORY letters follow.

Dury Baxter speaks in the key of Waits (tOm, one–each) but the fucker can’t shake that annoying dejo de la BBC.

—– more —–

And still to come:
End Game with The Avengers.


Dear, cousin Joe:

Youse’into music, right? And you are probably one of a handful of dumb-country lawyers who are sophisticated enough to appreciate a round-trip ticket on the Magical Mystery Bus and know, [i Say—K.N.O.W.] how to discriminate one of them, so called “feel-is” from “Pumpkin” Appleseeds on the big’ol BBC smacker of Macca’s replacement on the Abbey Road’s, which everybody at the Third Grade Library knows that (he) is not the real Paul… dot. dot. dot. DOT   .

Every self-respecting shoe salesman knows that Paul broke a glass and that Cutie went out in a Cab. And even Iggy Pop knows that The Dead Don’t Die, and it’s probably because the dead, well they are already expired. Like the Colbert Report. Give it up Tom Hanks. Öüï all know that the real Stephen Colbert would never cut the lovely “Pumpkin” (turned library lady for third graders, no less) in the middle of a reference to Kasie Curkuffle on the Em#–Es–En#–Bee–Sis.

RELEASE THE LATE SHOW, Colbert. Release the Late Show.

Liam Neeson in Drag at The Kentucky Derby Follows. In this action packed galop poll, Rob Roy wears a D.R.E.S.S. for all the wrong reasons. And there is nothing that Mike "motherfucking" Pence can do about it. Only on En–Bi–Sí.

For… $69 Dallahrs. With your host: Porn ‘Stache Trebek.

Nice Brazilian Soul on that D.A.R.E. Break there, Drum Boy.

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