“Let’s be clear—Seamos claros…” POTUS 44 (Sept. 5th 2017)

7 Quai de l’Archevêché
París, 75004

La memoria en forma de Hacha… Hoy, como una excepción a la Ley de Godwin, La “h” no es Muda. Context will continue to develop as POTUS 45 pretty much gets the wheels going for a ‘civil war’ in the Legislatve Branch of the U.S. government by cowardly and prejudiciously using DACA recipients in order to squeeze the funds to build his Stupid Wall.

Buenos días
Today is September 6th, 2017.

Nothing new under the Sun… Delayed capture of The Attoney General of The United States of America, subliminally expressing his love of racially motivated laws. In the frame, the spectre of Jeff Session; in the backround the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 protests, as interpreted by protestors in 2017. Foto cortesía de El Show de Rachel Maddow en msnbc.

Yesterday at the 11th Hour (daylight) the United States officially wound back its time to 1924. (Source: TRMS on ‘the’ msnbc’s).

Time-delayed screen-capture of the 11th hour EST. -_- uso justo de todos los medios.

Mini digresión para:
Caroline Randall Williams,
del New York Times
en Nashville,Tennessee

… hola Caro, hey as soon as this current heartache blows over, we [the staff] are going to have to engage in a discussion about that graphics guy at the NYT “Mikey”… Yes the one that is credited for beaming the “O” search light over the Obelisk on your New York Times Op-Ed… does “Mikey” know what that symbol “stands” for? Anygüey, Caro, Recibe un beso y saludo. Ciao.

Hey there, Cousin Joe, you know what the good thing about this blog is? Yup, you guessed it: the good thing about this blog is that Soul Kitchen sensation, and NYT op-ed contributor Caroline Randall Williams is never going to read it, which of course allows [the staff] to relay, directly from a fancy table at Chez McDo, her requested commentary from POTUS 44 (Barry de la O), granted; it’s a couple of weeks marinated, but then again, Caroline, it’s not as if the entire country was unaware of the kind of president that Donald Trump would turn out to be, and still, like the Brexit pitchers in the soon to be broken U.K., that son-of-a-Veterans-Administration-profiteer got elected into office.

One thing, though, it was not president Obama’s place to call out the Tikii lamps incident, no ma’am; Donald never hid David Duke under the sheets: that fucker was out there in plain sight and as we [the staff] already mentioned it, Donald got elected into Office, and it appears that no one has balls to push for an impeachment…
Anyway, Caro,

… Context follows.

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