And Raphaël Morán… it’s IRONIC because you are such a smooth journalist

“When French journalists come back to France the first thing that they do is TALK to THE PRÉFECTURE… by the way Pablo is my friend and I don’t like the way that you do your reporting,” ‘member Mí, motherfucker?

What a Messi, eh, Raphä… in part I owe, IT!, all to that “smooth Journalismthat you do for the Paris Préfecture your WORDS not Mine. Sue me.

and As your COUSINS at Radio FarceFrance, perdón; Rafa, as usual, ya’ndo en’IVRY (JANE says HI!)… Let It Ride, Bitch.

Las fuentes para tu amiga de PROCESO:


Qui sont–elles? — ¿Where’s the Beast?

Previously on The Jim Cohen & Oliver Compagnon *Show: Amores Llevados, o algo así, de Arturo González “procesando” Villaseñor (Octubre, 2015) IHEAL.

Las patronas

Las Patronas.:.20E98642-DACD-4254-A4F7-4CE500B6ED0B •|• Context follows, because in Paris, en París la bestia está en huelga.

But, öüï Switch it over to VISEUR y los amigos de Enrique Peña Nieto en Cinema Lilas, (75020)

Sr. Arturo González Villaseñor, lo bueno de este su, “tan” intrascendente blog, se divide en dos partes; la primera es de que el muy pluma y ColaBorAdor suyo en “proceso” y, ni más ni menos, de FIP Radio Station, Raphaël Morán, no lo lee, mientras que la segunda


Al DIABLO CON LA SELVA.:.681F226D-41D5-4B83-8C90-411B76210C0C •|• In Local Knew News, The OCDE* convinced the Unesco that the “Vanity” TRAIN project of the new, and EVANGELICAL president of the United States of Mexico will not ALTER the “Paris Agreements” of the Year of Mexico in France, now in it’s THIRD iteration, but with another Nomenclature.

* Forum génération d’égalité

_consiste en que Usted, —hijo de la chingada— haga memoria sobre la pregunta que yo, Armando Serrano Prieto, le hice en el IHEAL en Octubre del 2015, ¿la recuerda‽ a huevo que no. Pero sé, de antemano de que el IHEAL e INC.France (Association Loi 1901) tienen la reproducción de ese ruedo… de esa Rueda; es más…

La Casa de los representantes

La Casa de los representantes.:.64221487-9AFB-4D49-BD2C-4711CCF0FFE5 •|• Context follows for the Editor at the Prefecture de Paris.

_hasta hubo una chiquilla de ROJO allí gritando, pero no por las mismas razones de la niña ya inmortalizada por las políticas de ley de Stephen Miller firmadas por Donald “Impeached” Trump.


Cuando vuelva a tu lado — What a difference a day Makes (part 2)

… still to come:
Ayotzinapa para Espontaneos,
but first, we reach out to an
« Old Friend ».

Dear, Raphaël Moran at Radio Francia Internacional, while Ewe —as a chaperoned correspondent of Mexican political magazine “proceso”—were busy asking the next president of The Mexican United States if he, Andrés Manuel LÓPEZ OBRADOR “had any friends in France”, we [The STAFF] were busy asking Quetzal, Sergio, Berenice, and the rest of the founding members of Morena–Francia, except doña « voz de pito » Georgina Moreno, if they knew who the gentleman* next to a star-struck picture-taking bleached blonde** (inside the Latin American House, in the heart of Saint Germain–des–Pres) was…

* Lic. Juan Carlos Loera de la Rosa
(probably his wife).

Oye, Morena… Falta Una para Las Tres, eh!

full disclosure, Raphaël’ we [the staff] knew who that gentleman was and what his “day job” was, we just wanted to gauge the level of “CHAMAQUEADAS” that the good founding fellows from Morena–Francia were willing to rise to.

I, (o sea, bola de putos, YO, Armando Segovia, in the role of Catalonio Barcelonneto de Peralvillo, was only trolling the now distinguished “grillos” of the next political force in Mexican politics for the sake of pulling their pretty little faux “frog legs,” on account that we [the staff] know how in “their own” transparent way (Morena–Francia / Asociación Gilberto Bosques París) has always Closed Ranks, Sent False Flares, and acted like real Royal Peacocks when challenged with a fair open question.

TimeStamp: i paid the tab for my Sins…
on Central Siren Time.

… a fílerazos por el hueso de la Rectoría en la Ciudad más pacífica de ¡MÉXICO!!! — ¡YUPPiiiiiii!!!

Now, Ralphie, before we [the staff] continue we thought it fair and “Move It On Over” MGM Records (78 rpm) 1947 in the voice of Hank Williams and introduce you to “La Sombra de Letras (periodismo)” desde Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. ¿Porqué? pues, porque chingados no ¿eh?.

Lujo y Hambre en La UACJ

Frequency Hop

TimeStamp: You’re NOT good ENOUGH
in a Motel Show… or something like that

… now, Baby… Ewe Know — That WE [the staff] Have Da Funk, eh! Even, Vicky Have Da’ Funk. }–—-~~~\*>  The following, Ladies in Gemeni, is a Public Service Announcement: B.C.E. is short for Before Central Europe.

… TimeStamp: La Canicula de las 4H20 in Central Siren Time… si coje (Sol) beba.