A good-faith piñata and a plethora of Clash!

Le BAC de AL

The Election wasn’t STALIN!

C’mon Évry-body (Eddie Cochran)

https ://twitter .com /SegoArma /status /1638445370383425538? s=20

Still to come, Mikaela jumps the cow.


In this section of your BAC, the student will triangulate and explain why a former henchman and, United States’ Senator from Minnesota needs a limo like a Lame-O.

º BAC:

https ://www .tf1info .fr /education /bac-2023the subject and the answer key for the mathematics track test -2251494 .html

If you prefer… Ewe may draw Mí a picture and head over to La Médiathèque de la Canopée and audition for a chance to play music for the RATP at one of their “sets” where i sleep. The event is peddled by fip dot fr, so there’s that… where do you think that Sirène steals her chants and melodies from, the Music Conservatory?


º BAC:

Who’s gonna fix your wild 🐗 bac?

(unité de police)
French Anti-Crime Squad.

º BAC :

In this section, Emily Munera will explain why la hache en “Bach” es muda 🎻, pero no sorda 🎹.

https ://www .imdb .com /title /tt0077147 /characters /Decline’s henchman -Al Franken

Over at the Peacock’s house, the first piñata on the set was a Mika Fest over the slopes 🎿, but of course it is, of course it was! But that has nothing to do with Mí because there is no Bridge there, and even if there was, “a confounded bridge” D.A.R.E., then Öüï would just fly over that arc.

On the same set, Mika shot her video operator monkee after the media editor failed to erase Serial eater and former Reaganist-Floribama congressperson, Joseph Charles Scarborough the Third, from the split screen on her Morjo Show.


R.I.P. “TJ” the live-feed video editor monkee.

All Your Need Is Cash

All Your Need Is Cash.


Here’s what the Morjo papers are saying:

Scarborough had the audacity to stuff his pie-hole with the cereal prop on that set, —a big NO on live-reruns.

Any Karni is live from the Bodega where Scarborough staches the Cereal from the set. Take it away, Annie.

How Mara Gay’s parents met.