Agüita Amarilla — that’s What Javier said

👨🏽‍🚀 Let’s dance
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues 🎵

Well, how ´bout that, space-aged wine, what will the Frogs think of next!

And to paraphrase la Casablanca, now that Öüï know that Mel Brooks is out of the bottle, here’s a celebre quote to show La Fuente; m’ember now, “se hacía grandote–se hacía chiquito”:

“Of All The Ginned-up GOLFOS In All The Towns 7 mares In All The World, She Makes A Big Splash Into Mine.”

But wait! That crash-landing on our lovely Golfo de México didn’t even reach the radar; knot like that other time when wine was drained down the gutters, literally, Rachel Maddow.

Por ejemplo, Raquelito, not to be outdone by a recent Revelation on the Güey Too Early wave about the Dee•En•Ey of Michigan’s Democrat Representative, Elissa Slotkin, Kasie Hunt revealed that Mars grand-daddy on the madre side is none other than Gorge Thorogood. Issy, KC-DC drinks alone, all they–and–all of the knight.

And in WaWa Land, it’s another edition of MoBrooks, Mo’ Brooks, and —¡más trucha d’arroyo, mi general! Las sardinas (troops) are catching some much needed R.E.M. maintenance… because WHO is keeping track, right? Or could you really-really write this shit up in advance, eh?

Rodeo, del verbo rodear 🤠 EF554FB7-3D01-427A-92B4-D61A8C8491F6 🧶 Still to come en este jaripeo is “The hand-off”, starring Claire McCaskill.


What came FO’ist, LARIAT o La RIATA?

TAN–ta Riata TE-ntra
TEN-tre Tan-ta Riata
TAN–ta Riata TE-ntra
TEN-tre Tan-ta Riata .:. DD106C38-C5E9-4AF7-8A04-A3EE7803CF84 .: 🎶🗣 Cuándo me traes a Mí Negra que la quiero Ver Aquí… con su RE-VOZoh de seda que le traje de TE•Pick.

The Revolution will KNOT be Televised!!!

On Replay. Will Knot be televised. Will Knot be televised. Will Knot be televised. Will Knot be televised. Will Knot be televised. Will Knot be televised, Will Knot be televised. Will Knot be televised…

And still to come: Maradona did not die, he just multiplied, just LIKE el Che.

Sleep Well, my Siren… Toi•di Ayer•Pr, o como dice Nick à la cave: it’s an anagram at the Galleon Ship… 🍷👩🏻‍🚀👨‍🚀

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