And in New York City, BriWi just went with the Big Bang Theory

In another world E.T. went: Thank You, sir, you are a god-sent in turbulent C.T. Thymes.

"It is What It Is"

“It is What It Is” .:. 0D9AE422-C12B-4AE2-8744-4F015A5389B9 —_•!•_— Ivanka Trump is a “Made guy”. Revenge from an easily Russian re-electable proxi-President of them United States of America follows, after a word from Russias favorite brand of toilette bowl cleaner: PECSI, and if you’ve eaten “Ahoga–Perros” en una obra de « maistros » en Coyoacán, then (motherfuckers) you”ll understand what Trotski was all about, A.M.I.G.O. Pablo Gleason de Viseur y Raphaël Morán de “proceso“.

Mean, while Donald Trump responds to Nancy’s invitation to deliver a cup’o Tea at “the” House, big “ear” in the Sky does the not-so-well hidden ear-piece maneuver over the BERMUDA TRIANGLE. Also, The Rachel Maddow re-run show just got cought up with ROBIN HOOD men in Babushkas on the How Comrade Joseph Stalin invented toilette cleaners show.

What Charan these more

What Charan these more?.:.D88925EB-4665-4055-B3F4-C952B8B93C92

Over on La Rue de Londres “247”, in Coyoacán*, Tank Commander Extraordinaire, and Salma Hayek lover, Leo Trotski is telling the ghost of F.D.R., “see, you stupid crippled F.U.C.K., Eye told you so.

And then D.A.R.E are them goddamned francilliens

And then D.A.R.E are them god-damned francilliens always being so Parisien, Eye tells you.:.1781505A-7D2F-4977-89A0-E93A87E47B32

Anyway, Eddie Murphy, another Tim Apple Cable bit the dust, so EYE guess… öüï might be out of Lord Lorne tomorrow morning; Eye mean we [the staff] have some news porn to get caught-on to, in any case, Eddie Murphy ain’t shit!

Dexter explains why Eddie Murphy ain’t shit, as read by Brian Williams.

Estimada, señora Hidalgo
Alcaldesa de La Ciudad de París

Please stand-by for context, in the voice of Eddie Murphy, —of course. For starters, Felices pascuas decembrinas, gracias por su paciencia con los pelotones y divisiones de esos Amigos que doña Vilma Fuentes identifica ( en buena onda estoy seguro) como “clochardos”, la pobre.