Vamo’a macanear — Let’s Play hardball

Dear, Chris Matthews:

You’re gonna like the way you look.

“Te lo prometo.”

… [A]nd if you get the Burlinghton Men’s Warehouse Local 3 Union reference, then —motherfucker— youse half-güey D.A.R.E., eh.

In any case at the “dog track”, Cousin Joe, « Santa’s Little Helper » ain’t got a chance at the races, “Yo Quiero Taco Bell”, now that little motherfucker can run circles and Pi’s on any given Blitzkreig.

Coming up in the programming

Coming up in the programming .:. 033D1F6C-8850-4BEE-83F6-7B56BB63F349 🥁 The only RUSH that matters.

Now, about MONEY in American Politics, can you, Willie Geist, relay to the NAACP that if IOWA and New Hampshire are to be scraped from the primaries, THEN every motherfucking State, including the Super Tuesdays need to be erased from the delegate count. The current system only benefits Bill Clinton’s deregulated Media Conglomerates. A six month stump period and one  Sunday morning —after The Church— to vote in all of the States and Territories to decide who in the fuck will get to ride the motherfucking Donkey in the race against the Pachyderm. Now D.A.T., Cousin Joe, is race worth betting on, —motherfucker!, period

—————— 🗣🖕🏼👿✍🏽😈 —————-

But, FOist, a look  on  at the “Metal Militia” as read by Keith Richards:

And Ozzy went...

And Ozzy went… just take a piss on The Alamo and carry–on, ya’Bum!

James went from “riding the lightning” to riding an Air Farce … scratch D.A.T. from Riding The Lightning to riding an Air Force stationary physical training bike.

P.S.: Hey, Lars, “Jason’s Mexican slave–boy” called, he wants James « lit » up again so that Kirk can jam with one of your roadies… motherfucker!

Original Heretic — Diderot

Double “D”… The Original Dare Devil

In light of recent SubPop news, the staff decided —this year— to dress this little inconsequential blog as Soundgarden. —_—.  Photo by Staff, decorations are courtesy of McDo France; 3ème Sous-Sol, Rue de l’Arc-en-ciel; 75001 Paris.

Good evening, it’s 21:00 hours in Central Europe Time. Right now, in Paris, Halloween is gaining new ground. Business models everywhere decorate their storefronts into “horror houses” and employees at different venues get to explore their creative side by buying into the frenzy of turning their outer shells into a Mexican Catrina, a pirate, a Hollywood FX ghoul, a zombi, a witch, a monster, or even a character in on the list of films of Quentin Tarantino (that fucken guy is the new Jerry Lewis for the French) … my favorite, however, was a little boy [or girl on the street; i couldn’t tell] donning a red cape and a crown —face painted in red— and a little red bag in one hand; hey wadda’ya know, a little red boy—or girl— no horns at plain sight, but i bet a little devil is inside none the less. It was a quarter to 10 (on the a.m) and i was running late to the weekly appointment with my Colombian Shrink… al término de la sesión, ya caminando por una calle del Barrio Latino en una mesa banquetera d’esas que hay en los Café, (y casi Esquina con la calle de Las Tres Puertas) divisé a una colaboradora de La Jornadaella iba disfrazada con su gorrito de Frank Sinatra… Saludos doña Vilma, Saludos y Trick-or-Treat.

5 de octubre

1713 — Nace Denis Diderot, escritor y principal impulsor de la Enciclopedia.

6 de octubre

1750 — Diderot redacta un Prospectus en dónde anuncia la Enciclopedia. Eight months later on June the 28th of 1751, Volume ONE and a Preliminary Discourse, written by Jean le Rond d’Alembert*, was about to put “en jaque” a Le Ancienne Régime, en Versalles; a La Academia, en La Sorbonne; and even the mighty mighty Pope —at The Vatican.

Now, in order to relay (maybe) or in order to better put into perspective, Diderot’s Encyclopedia, and its accompanying Preliminary Discourse, i guess i’d take the route of recent millenial events, for you to see, because it was pretty much in tune as that one time when NAPSTER put Lars Ulrich** “on check,” at the turn of the 21st Century, while acheving at the same time, to make the legendary Metal drummer-god look like a little Jesuit bitch —on behalf— of the record industry.

* …a mathematician.
** Percussionist and founding member of a Metal juggernaut enterprise called Metallica.

Of course, and in the beginning, the encyclopedia that would get the wheels rolling into a new thing called “The Enlightenment,” didn’t really start that way. The original task was a commission to rehash what had already been written, but by the time Diderot got on board, that little publishing racket would take on a new form.

… Context follows. The staff is a-gonna-look for Candy.

Con información (básica) de El Siglo de Torreón y otras fuentes por los InterWebs.

1.  Schwab, R. N. “Translator’s Introduction.” The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d’Alembert Collaborative Translation Project. Ann Arbor: Scholarly Publishing Office of the University of Michigan Library, 2009. http ://quod .lib .umich .edu/d/did/schwab.html

2.  Redacción, “Efemérides del 5 de octubre”, vía: El Siglo de Torreón. https ://www . el siglo de torreon .com .mx /noticia/793832.efemerides-5-de-octubre.html

3.  Redacción, “Efemérides del 6 de octubre”, vía: El Siglo de Torreón. https ://www .el siglo de torreon .com .mx/noticia/1158458.efemerides-6-de-octubre.html

Double “C”… R.I.P.

https ://m .youtube .com /watch?v=EucsKOkPX1s