Indios en Champs Elysées – Re+loaded


We now know, that Presidente Sarkozy 🇨🇵 ran into Mexico 🇲🇽 on it’s his way to India 🇮🇳 … All Those Years Ago

Anyhoot, Ke-mo Sah-Bee, I reckon that I can’t recall just what in the heck the French people were protesting about on a They like To-they, but of 2015, but I do remember that those French fellows approaching the parade route from Hausmann’s Blvd, sure reminded me of another troupe of handsome clowns in Colorado (Fort Collins), history remembers them with the name of the Tea Party, in the end they were nothing but ‘tea- baggers’… probably Harley-Davidson owners from South Park.

https ://asegovia3 .com /wp-content /2015/07 /green_manif-francesa-encabronada

Uso Justo de todas las Barbies.


https ://asegovia3 .com /wp-content /2015/07 /dicc81a-verde-1.

Drop’Em# if you got’Em# 🍄 Semolina Pilchard climbed down the Eiffel Tower and he was last seen horsing around with The Indian Tri-Service Contingent at the Lido. RafaElla Rompe Vientos is standing-by with Sarah Bernhardt and the APRO lady at the Foreign Correspondents Hall del Grand Palais selling commémorative Elephant Peanuts.

Ladies in Gemini please be advised that “purple frogs” ain’t nuttin’ but a figment of Miss Piggy’s imagination.


Indios, nada mas los que comen quesadillas —con queso. Los otros son simples VeGanos 🕉️.

https ://es .wikipedia .org /wiki /Dia_del_Policia_Federal (decreto del 2011)


A closer look, Viejas FEAS!

https ://asegovia3 .com /wp-content /2015/07 /alebrijes-protocolarios-policia

In any case, 7 years and several scores-ago… 🎩 🌬️🎶 Aux Armes… et cet~era 🥱, but in HILO, HAWAII time, Juanito Guanabacoa was celebrating, in CDMX time, EL DÍA DEL POLICÍA 🚔 FEDERAL (🇲🇽).

Fast-forward to the first minute of 2020… ipso facto, The National Guard (🇲🇽) is born… it used to be called “policía federal” but hardly anybody cares to remember any moro.

https ://www .milenio .com /policia /31-12-2019 /hoy-ultimo-dia-de-la-policia-federal

And Eye quotes : Hurry up find something!

C’mon, man! — It’s 1984 on a blow-out holiday

Page 178; ¶ 2 and 3³:

Previously on WFA and WOFA
Pour écrire cet article, j’ouvre mes archives, fais appel à ma mémoire et reprends les notes où j’ai consigné les dernières rencontres ; un printemps, un été et un automne sont passés entre la demande et ma décision de relever le défi d’un récit. Mes souvenirs s’éveillent. Cha-que nom est une personne, une individualité.
Je vais travailler par éclats, en kaléidoscope, raconter des fragments de rencontres avec des hommes et des femmes à la rue que je sais dénommer grâce à mon expérience à la Bagagerie. J’espère, ainsi, pouvoir rendre compte de la diversité des caractères, des trajectoires et des espoirs et désespoirs sur un temps relativement long. Pour ceux que j’ai connus dès la fondation de Mains libres et que je croise encore, seize ans ont passé.
Les jeunes, la petite vingtaine, englués dans des histoires familiales pathétiques résumées par une sèche annotation « rupture du lien familial » dans les fiches de suivi.

³~. Marie-Ange Schiltz’ adaptation projects

Indeed, Willie Geist, in•deed! There is something in the Water and the white powder in that baggie is Cocaine.

Boogie, man!
Page 178 ; ¶ Tú and Three:
To write this article, I open my archives, call upon my memory and go back to the notes where I recorded the last encounters; a spring, a summer and an autumn passed between the request and my decision to take up the challenge of a story. My memories are awakening. Each name is a person, an individuality.
I’m going to work in fragments, in a kaleidoscope, recounting fragments of encounters with men and women on the street whom I know by name thanks to my experience at La Bagagerie. In this way, I hope to capture the diversity of characters, trajectories, hopes and despairs over a relatively long period of time. For those I’ve known since the founding of Mains libres and whom I still meet, sixteen years have passed.

But First, the knews that I was tellin’ y’all about last week to Dey… you know the ones, it includes the one where El Présidente Sarkozy signed a law that did not require a ‘competent’ and qualifying recepient of a French Visa to not have to waste time trying to learn the language of Molino, perdón la lengua de Molière, as a hook to conduct the BUSINESS of JOURNALISTS and the Black Arts of research on the so-called HEX-a-Gone… 

Girls, Girls, Girls.

Crazy Horse, Paris, FranceForgot them names, remember romanceI got the photos, a menage a troisMusta broke those French’s laws with those…

Girls, Girls, Girls.
https ://paroles2chansons .lemonde .fr /paroles-motley-crue /paroles-girls-girls-girls


Valérie Pécresse of the so-calledIle-de-France region » changes the name of the Angela-Davis HIGH SCHOOL due to the civil rights icon’s criticism of France… Pap’a Ndiaye, the current Minister of Education, is not amused.

At first Eye tought that it was a figment of Mí’s imaginations, mais non-ton ton, my phone was being zapped. God damned frogs, always using my iniciative to bring the people down, just like the Ministry of Immigration did when Bruno’s boss decided that “compétences” in La France be a thing of the PAST. So sit back and enjoy the ride. And, Öüï (that motherfucker) begins in Switzerland where so-called “message delivery boys” from the Western Union Telegraph Company are having the time of their life at the Crazy Horse en Paris XVeme, or maybe is XVIeme… ya se me olvido la dirección del establo ese.

I’m just watching the wheels, go round and round, Issy, Mme. Hidalgo took away the Marie-Go-Round kissing booth at The City Bazar Hotel 🏩.

And, James, drive Mí down to La Gentric’s Happy Whore House Place at Pigalle, Öüï ho’ID that there’s a new act from the Putas Exchange Program at Erasmus Ewe direct from Mary McCartney’s Abbey Road’s Camptown GO’ills Unlimited scrap book.

And, Katty Kay, Marie Gentric told y’all that it was going to be a BLOWout on history on the Federalist Society nº 46. She should know, La Gentric hails from Columbia Ewe at Sciences Po.


Any how right about now, 14h in Central Europe Time, the Picpus Cemetery Society is officially celebrating The fello’ 📐 next to La Noailles (pronounced, No-Haÿ-es), but that’s just to taunt The Americans representing Lafayette’s gallery at Valley Forge, who sang the Star Spangled Banner next to Las Carmelitas de les fossés there, —Yesterday.


A Closer Look, hol’Up now, wait a minute what? I know that it’s just a silly adaptation of yet another interpretation of a particular translation, but are Öüï and Eye wrong to note from page 176, ¶ 2, that reads:

Proximité, familiarité et parfois sympathie, parfois antipathie, avec une frange de la population – que tout un chacun croise avec, usuellement, peu d’interactions – ne veut pas dire discours scientifiquement établi. Je n’ai pratiqué
ni l’observation participante, ni le carnet de notes de l’ethnologue. Je n’ai
jamais passé la frontière, fondamentale, me semble-t-il, celle de « ne pas avoir un chez soi ». Je suis restée ce que je suis, une ADF – de surcroît, par tempérament, peu encline à l’écoute. Aussi tout ce que je peux dire leur sujet n’est-il, à mon sens, que partiel et partial.



It’s another 2nd Amendment Blow-out dirty sale. Grab a hot dog and snort that coke like it ain’t no joke, because Eye could not have written this last week To They without sounding like one of Senator Claire McCaskill’s “trippy” deadheads lounging naked at her Ozarks camping grounds.


1 de enero del 2023 — Photo by fofie

I’m Going To Graceland,
simón q’Issy.

What Would You Say? I say that I can pass the mirror test.


The following segment is out of Or, there!

Ladies in Gemini, Gilda radner has relieved Puebla’s governor at Buttes-Chaumont and she will now have exclusive coverage of El Perro RATZINGER trip to CRUX, IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE.

WaWa Gate!


https ://www .reuters .com /world /americas /brazil’s bolsonaro lands in florida avoiding Lula handover -2022-12-30/

And here’s another CLOU 🔨 for y’All. “Paul, was a fucking Foca.”


Our stringer in Rome (Reporter 3) relays that a “CONFLICT OF INTEREST” in the SOUL transfer dictated that Governor Barbosas knowledge of the Mars Y’all MA’CIEL affair in MEXICO put the PiPoPe dead smacked like salt on a papercut between the RING and Middle finger of The Legionarios d’Ese Señor

To the question about what Would, would say, here’s an update.

Never A-Gain, is shat what Ewe swore the Time before.

Baba WaWa:
— What Would, would say, Barbara?

Barbara Barbosa:
— Well, Eye would Knot know about the aforementioned “Would”, or about what Would would say, if that is even mister Would’s real name, but Eye reckons that Mister Wood would be upset.

Go ahead, A.I. transliterate the above excerpt with google dot deepl Punto com.

As Far Back As I Can Remember, I Always Wanted To Be A Beatle

 A They That Will Live in Infamy
Metro Line 1 at F.D.R.

🔈🔉🔊🎶 You know you twist real good… (Twist so good).

Mark David Chapman. Hilo, Hawaii.

Paint, IT!, black

Happiness, yes it is

Happiness is a Mary McCartney’s Enchilada Sin Chile Wednesday.

It’s a lot like Taco Tuesday Sin Tortilla de Maíz.


Happiness is a CAUSA en los “apartamentos” de París 🇵🇪  Fréquence Plurielle 🇲🇽.

https ://www .liberation .fr /politique /adhesions-a-lr-sur-la-cote-dazur-barons-noirs-et-sales-methodes20221207/

Mental Note for Emily in Paris à francemusique :

Eye likes having sex also, Öüï, however, does not like getting fucked, Like Dreamers Do 🌬️🎼🎶🔈🔉🔊

¡LuuuuuSharaaaán! DEDOS a Tres Caídas sin límite de tiempo.


Quesadilla Sin Queso, Thursday.

On the menu at The Green Haven Correctional Facility, in BEEKER Town, New York:

Faster than a speeding Jet!


Bistec de Caballo con Espárragos Calumniados.

¡GRABIEL³!!! — Alfredo Jalife—Ramhe in Paris, Emily did not make the Top-Ten List of Madame Mayor,

https ://www .paris .fr /pages /decouvrez-le-top-10-des-prenoms-donnes-en-2021-a-paris -20083

Fire for effect…

Léon made the LIST…
Noël, Knot at all.
Grabiel³” came in first.

³.~ Es el nombre que más odio en un pelao’, (Polo Polo).

GABRIEL (avenida):

VIIIe Arrondissement, arranca en lo que hoy (CET) es el pit-stop general de la formula1 rue Boissy-d’Anglas; termina en el número 2 ave. Matiñón. Longitud es de 700 metros and that is all that Eye is going to mention no vaya a ser que, don 55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, se nos ponga flamenco.

PAGE 560, just below “Les moulines de la Galette et du Blute-Fin (1840) and off-course, GABON y La Unión Francesa [esa] en Africa, on HacquES JillariET’s, “Diccionario Histórico de Las Calles de París »… Ediciones de Medianoche, pero en Francés.

No home for Lucille — Louise is at the top of Madame Mayor’s NaCiMiento roster, period!

and Susan Page, in the u.S.a. To They… please relay to Jonathan LeMire without the aitch, to please stop sucking Mayor De Blasio’s Coq… there’s a new “sheriff” in El Pueblo. Now get your silly little ass to class.

Meanwhile at the Great Outback in Knott’s Berry Farm… “that guy” WHO won the Mother Mary McCartney Wimbledon Title is the big Exceptional Elephant in the Barbie.

But worry KNOTT’s, eh!
—Worry Knott’s? Get it?… worry knot, No-Vak…hontagiar, Mr. DJ Oko Vic is a VEGAN. Which proves one thing, being a vegan does not prevent EWE from being a Matador or, as the Huntington Ford Blonde just found out, a casualty of the BULL… along CRESCENT Avenue 90620, California.

New Verb on this blog: HONTE as in:

Yo Hont-agio
Ella Hont-agia
El Hont-agia
… Ustedes are Hont-agiados

714… right back at you Buena Park.

It is with great sadness to share that our Precinct Operations Chair, Kelly Ernby, has passed unexpectedly after brief illness².

— OC Republicans (@OCGOP)
January 4, 2022

https ://abc7 .com /kelly-ernby-orange-county-deputy-district-attorney-covid-death /11425216/

².~ meaning a COVID variant.

Across the Rio Grande, los “bravos” de Huntington Beach in Disneyland California, home of Nicole Wallace republican party, are dying or Covid, and that is a very REPUBLICAN thing, and in this section the student will ponder if the AMERICAN équivalent of the Bogdanoff Twins stupidity will balance out that god-damned Republican re-districting that MSNBC is talking about.

https ://www .france24 .com /en /france /20220104-eccentric-french-twins-die-of-covid-19-after-refusing-vaccine

Eye Gknew, IT!!!, Alfredo Jalife—Ramhe is moving to Paris. La Mairie de La Casa De latinos en América, de Francia, assigned the Puma firebrand a corrugated sleep-number mattress and a museum* pass.

Anyhow, Mr. anti ITAMITA, bienvenido al « pueblo » en tiempos del COLMEX y de la cátedra Alfonso REYES en París.

Anyhow, fast-foreward to Mexico and the YEAR 2022 and Mexico’s biggest threat now is el ITESM¹, but the problem remains the same, it’s not the model, it’s the fucking MEXICANS, like Americans or the FRENCH, once these specimens get infected by POWER, they all turn into ROMANS (from Romania).

¹.~ LInstitut de technologie et d’études supérieures de Monterrey. The current trend dominating latinamerican affairs at the OCDE, the FMI and of course, El puto World Bank.

And, Donnie Deutsch… don’t forget the Dole’s trademarked pineapples

Strawberry Fields For Guantanamo
puras piñas
Page 315… Chapitre quatrième

Vice Diagrams for Venn

Satan islet’s ask Mr. Putin
— Mr. President, in your personal opinion, please complete the sentence (No Pun Intended…) Satan is?

https ://www .whitehouse .gov /briefing-room /speeches-remarks /2021/12/05 /remarks-by-president-biden-at-the-2021-kennedy-center-honorees-reception/

— Well, {heavy Cyrillique dejo} as you know, it’s all in the details, but « Satan is a terrible cook : laugh to conjure fear up » {all of the Russian delegation laugh in unison… but you know something, he is a terrible comedian. He’s a “wise guy over h’ear“.

But FO’ist… Encanto just ripped off OASIS. Don’t tell Mí. I Know!!! She’s in a family full ofexcentriques“… ¡PERO! ¿Quiere más?

Based on an Epic recording… and re-hashed as un: Uso Justo del Tata Disney… and the “American Graffiti” on theremain in Mexico” TENT CAMPS.

Starring as Encanto, don Pablo’s daughter… let’s talk about that “Uncle that nobody ever talks about”, let’s talk about « el tío Bruno » de La Préfecture de Paris.

Georgina Polevnsky at the Moo_vies
https ://www .wnyc .org /story /208572 -paris-i-love-you-youre-bringing-me-down/
And, Donnie Deutsch, you son of a bitch!, you probably think that this Plato (de leftovers) is about Ewe, and it is… but that is only because as Rosecrans Baldwin once said… or was it the Sciences Po guy, Donald Morrison? Who cares, the thing is that when it comes to KNOCKIN on AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL’s doors, Évry body knows Rita Moreno’s name.

https ://videos .jornada .com .mx /video /61019101/el-circo-herramienta-para-la-inclusion-social/… the show must go on.

From La Jornada:
López Obrador a commenté : ” pour que l’on sache, pour que l’on n’oublie pas, que cette décision d’annuler ce projet³ a été prise en raison de la volonté du peuple, parce que nous avions l’autre option, la base militaire de Santa Lucía “, qui sera inaugurée le 21 mars.

Uncle Bruno’s hideout. And, Mary Macarini, let the record show: Ciudad de México… por la zona de Texcoco A través de un video difundido en redes sociales, López Obrador comentó: “para que se sepa, que no se olvide, que se pudo tomar esta decisión de cancelar ese³ proyecto por la voluntad de la gente, porque teníamos la otra opción, la Base Militar de Santa Lucía que se va a inaugurar el 21 de marzo, which of course as the Entire Colonia Roma knows, it is Benito Mussolini’s birthday in Mexico… it used to be Tata Cárdenas “Oil Expropriation from “The ROYAL ALBERT HALL—they.

³.~ “ese” proyecto del primo de Peña Nieto, en la foto a la izquierda del militar de López Obrador y a la derecha of La CDMX’s Mayor.

La Higuera de La Chingada

PAN was a Vegetarian… Aussie, from the same Familia : BASTER SKELTER and other assorted needleworking templates… Still to come, Joe Scarborough, really!!! The GALL on that motherfucker (France), asking Mary McCartney how “he“, should address her Beatle dad. THE ANSWER is BILLY!!! It’s always Billy! C’mon MAN!!! Didn’t you watch “SEND MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY”?You dumb Reaganite. —!— REPENT Motherfucker!!! REPENT.

https ://www .imdb .com /title /tt0087337/ Rendez-vous à Broad Street

Original title: Give My Regards to Broad Street {

con Chepina McCartney

On this episode, Chepina dishes out “Lo Mejor” de los fantasmas en la alacena de los hechizos of “their Satanic Majesties… {rosbif’s re°ce°pies°},

https ://www .msnbc .com /morning-joe /watch /mary-mccartney-cooks-vegan-specialties-with-friends-and-family- 128001093853

https ://es .wikipedia .org /wiki /Chepina_Peralta

Anda, Lucía, “anda, pídeme que viole
las leyes que te encarnan…”. Diría, AUTE, —Dario.