¡GRABIEL³!!! — Alfredo Jalife—Ramhe in Paris, Emily did not make the Top-Ten List of Madame Mayor,

https ://www .paris .fr /pages /decouvrez-le-top-10-des-prenoms-donnes-en-2021-a-paris -20083

Fire for effect…

Léon made the LIST…
Noël, Knot at all.
Grabiel³” came in first.

³.~ Es el nombre que más odio en un pelao’, (Polo Polo).

GABRIEL (avenida):

VIIIe Arrondissement, arranca en lo que hoy (CET) es el pit-stop general de la formula1 rue Boissy-d’Anglas; termina en el número 2 ave. Matiñón. Longitud es de 700 metros and that is all that Eye is going to mention no vaya a ser que, don 55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, se nos ponga flamenco.

PAGE 560, just below “Les moulines de la Galette et du Blute-Fin (1840) and off-course, GABON y La Unión Francesa [esa] en Africa, on HacquES JillariET’s, “Diccionario Histórico de Las Calles de París »… Ediciones de Medianoche, pero en Francés.

No home for Lucille — Louise is at the top of Madame Mayor’s NaCiMiento roster, period!

and Susan Page, in the u.S.a. To They… please relay to Jonathan LeMire without the aitch, to please stop sucking Mayor De Blasio’s Coq… there’s a new “sheriff” in El Pueblo. Now get your silly little ass to class.

Meanwhile at the Great Outback in Knott’s Berry Farm… “that guy” WHO won the Mother Mary McCartney Wimbledon Title is the big Exceptional Elephant in the Barbie.

But worry KNOTT’s, eh!
—Worry Knott’s? Get it?… worry knot, No-Vak…hontagiar, Mr. DJ Oko Vic is a VEGAN. Which proves one thing, being a vegan does not prevent EWE from being a Matador or, as the Huntington Ford Blonde just found out, a casualty of the BULL… along CRESCENT Avenue 90620, California.

New Verb on this blog: HONTE as in:

Yo Hont-agio
Ella Hont-agia
El Hont-agia
… Ustedes are Hont-agiados

714… right back at you Buena Park.

It is with great sadness to share that our Precinct Operations Chair, Kelly Ernby, has passed unexpectedly after brief illness².

— OC Republicans (@OCGOP)
January 4, 2022

https ://abc7 .com /kelly-ernby-orange-county-deputy-district-attorney-covid-death /11425216/

².~ meaning a COVID variant.

Across the Rio Grande, los “bravos” de Huntington Beach in Disneyland California, home of Nicole Wallace republican party, are dying or Covid, and that is a very REPUBLICAN thing, and in this section the student will ponder if the AMERICAN équivalent of the Bogdanoff Twins stupidity will balance out that god-damned Republican re-districting that MSNBC is talking about.

https ://www .france24 .com /en /france /20220104-eccentric-french-twins-die-of-covid-19-after-refusing-vaccine

Eye Gknew, IT!!!, Alfredo Jalife—Ramhe is moving to Paris. La Mairie de La Casa De latinos en América, de Francia, assigned the Puma firebrand a corrugated sleep-number mattress and a museum* pass.

Anyhow, Mr. anti ITAMITA, bienvenido al « pueblo » en tiempos del COLMEX y de la cátedra Alfonso REYES en París.

Anyhow, fast-foreward to Mexico and the YEAR 2022 and Mexico’s biggest threat now is el ITESM¹, but the problem remains the same, it’s not the model, it’s the fucking MEXICANS, like Americans or the FRENCH, once these specimens get infected by POWER, they all turn into ROMANS (from Romania).

¹.~ LInstitut de technologie et d’études supérieures de Monterrey. The current trend dominating latinamerican affairs at the OCDE, the FMI and of course, El puto World Bank.