Hoy no hubo cafecito on the Katie Phangs Show

Segovia y Serrano


“So it goes”… of butchers and nazies. And contrary to what Mister Asvazadourian ⚜️ says about the Parisian weather report, it’s fucking raining, fucking Sun King ain’t doing shit right now, that bum is lollygagging around sleeping on the job, “dock that frog an EON’s pay for nappin’ on the Orbit”. Öüï had to go to the Opus (they) to cut GarcíaDIEGO at the PASS 🤠.

Lola y La Ciencia… no tiene arte.

https ://twitter .com /AsvazadourianJP /status / En este día soleado en París 🇲🇫, les deseo un excelente domingo ☕️🥐 /s=20

There is a Mingus Among U.S., period!

… and Reverend Al, even the IMER weekend edition hostess agrees, “It’s not a VACATION, it’s a Sabbatical if youse Kosher and a Hiatus if you practice what you preach.

Meanwhile, the very fellow that wants to unearth Nancy Reagan’s “I pity the fool who just says no to drugs campaign” (G. Darmanin) is predicting that MARINE Le Pen is going to win the next French elections, tough call for a Current Secretary of The Interior to make, especially when your boss, the motherfucking President of France is trying to make his point on the magazine Racks of Marianne. Suffice to say Ambassador Asvazadourian, this tale reads like a Tijuana Bibles for the land that worships the flashing boob, ALSO, aussi, no “Arabia dresses” on school grounds, you can smoke all you want, or fuck your teachers brains out, but no “Arabia dresses” in the classroom.

Persiana americana.
The Cherif is a Widow. Banda Sonora by Count Basie.