The “Movie”… a Chris Matthews production

RetoBlog del MonoAureo (Update).

Thursday July 21, 2016
Best Pay-Per-View Infomercial in the WWF*
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world wraslin’ federation

Michael Che wants to see a "movie"… Chris Matthews wants to know what hotel the SNL crew is staying in. | Law Enforcement Joe (Arpaio) speaks tonight in Cleveland.

Michael Che wants to see  a  “movie”…  Chris  Matthews  wants  to know what hotel the  SNL  crew  is staying  in  at.  |  Law  Enforcement  Joe  (Arpaio)  speaks  tonight in Cleveland.

[Luego te la platico…].

TimeStamp 01h 30m  [TimeNow] … GhostWriter for Trump calls the casino owner a good salesman and psychopath. Brian Williams adage for this timeslot:

Just make sure you spell my name right“.

Trump has entered the Arena… in Central Europe it is now 3 in the morning…

“You Should be Dancing”

One of the so-called "esoteric views" of a guy named Thiel [from Silicon Valley] is that he doesn't believe in democracy, hates Gawker, and swears that DEATH will be beaten during his lifetime. | Oh-Say-can-you-see?

18-Again… One of the so-called “esoteric views” of a guy named Thiel [from Silicon Valley] is that he doesn’t believe in democracy, hates Gawker, and swears that DEATH will be beaten during his lifetime. | Oh-Say-can-you-see? |  Brian Williams [did i get your name right?] confirms that: We all know that George Burns was the only one that could have beaten Death.

 And now… a family flick
Starring: John Voight

Here comes the sun… A George Harrison gem desecrated at the 2016 RNC.

Here comes the sun… A George Harrison gem desecrated at the 2016 RNC. |


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20 de julio, 2016 | Efeméride en Luna Llena

TimeStamp: last minutes of the 1am hour in Central Europe.

As September* plays in the background of the Quicken Loans Arena, the following:

En términos oficiales, a Donald Trump solamente le falta librar al el llamado ‘colegio electoral’ de los Estados Unidos para que el nacionalismo ocupe la Casa Blanca; la de los ‘American Curios‘ — no la casa blanca de las telenovelas…[context follows].

Earth, Wind & Fire.

Alaska and the drama… GOP celebration gets an unscheduled 'INTERMISSION'.

Alaska and the drama… GOP celebration gets an unscheduled ‘INTERMISSION’. | Fair use of Aljazeera’s coverage.

Officially, Donald Trump’s candidacy starts on a Full Moon… 4 Full Moons untill Tuesday, November 8… Bonus, Bonus, BONUS: insignificant side show scheduled for September 16, which is Mexican Independence Day, on that night depending on the cloud coverage in your area the lunar cycle will welcome an eclipse.

El circo al otro lado del charco. | Uso justo de los medios. [Credits follow].

El circo al otro lado del charco. | Uso justo de los medios. [Credits follow].

“… it’s all just bits of paper flying away from you”¹

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