The “Movie”… a Chris Matthews production

RetoBlog del MonoAureo (Update).

Thursday July 21, 2016
Best Pay-Per-View Infomercial in the WWF*
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world wraslin’ federation

Michael Che wants to see a "movie"… Chris Matthews wants to know what hotel the SNL crew is staying in. | Law Enforcement Joe (Arpaio) speaks tonight in Cleveland.

Michael Che wants to see  a  “movie”…  Chris  Matthews  wants  to know what hotel the  SNL  crew  is staying  in  at.  |  Law  Enforcement  Joe  (Arpaio)  speaks  tonight in Cleveland.

[Luego te la platico…].

TimeStamp 01h 30m  [TimeNow] … GhostWriter for Trump calls the casino owner a good salesman and psychopath. Brian Williams adage for this timeslot:

Just make sure you spell my name right“.

Trump has entered the Arena… in Central Europe it is now 3 in the morning…

“You Should be Dancing”

One of the so-called "esoteric views" of a guy named Thiel [from Silicon Valley] is that he doesn't believe in democracy, hates Gawker, and swears that DEATH will be beaten during his lifetime. | Oh-Say-can-you-see?

18-Again… One of the so-called “esoteric views” of a guy named Thiel [from Silicon Valley] is that he doesn’t believe in democracy, hates Gawker, and swears that DEATH will be beaten during his lifetime. | Oh-Say-can-you-see? |  Brian Williams [did i get your name right?] confirms that: We all know that George Burns was the only one that could have beaten Death.

 And now… a family flick
Starring: John Voight

Here comes the sun… A George Harrison gem desecrated at the 2016 RNC.

Here comes the sun… A George Harrison gem desecrated at the 2016 RNC. |


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