La Reflexion sur un MIROR!!! — Grand Paris No. 2367

Nul for Vampiros… de South Carolina


Next on Stephen’s report: Vampires vS. Tom Cruz.

It’s Carlo Goldoni
à la Rue
4 de diciembre 1851 

Surely your not Serious‽:CBE67789-4D90-4C51-9A40-5837D933BF35 … Eye am Serious and knot your Sherley.

¿Qué dijo?

Pregunta, Carlo Goldoni.

y Denis Dessoubs responde:
—Pay no attention, it’s just the Sound-check rehersal for Los Jihaddistas de Nakozari
who will be SharinG the stage with Los “pinches” Franchutes de La Sierra y, Los Traidores —que no suelen faltar— at the next JARANERO MUSIC FEST
à Saint–Michel, casi esquina con La Défensæ Nacional.

Y Carlo Goldoni amuses the crowd by emulating Donald Trump’s “executive” inner-voice.

—… (dot, dot, dot) Eye don’t know. It could be that “The Mexicans” are already praying out in the open on top of their “little” Color—Mi—Bahhhhhhd rugs, on the very Rue de Ravioli.

—It’s Rue, de Rivoli, not Ravioli, Carlo.

… and Carlo looks at where the “mushroom unit” is supposed to phantasmagorically dwell, and then thinks to himself, eerily adamant mind Ewe, in sounding like Stupid Ass Donald Trump.

—Listen, Frenchy: Eye, and Eye alone should know how to pronounce Ravioli. Eye am Italianno topolino y eu tenho um fusca como meu camarada Bolsarano en La Colonia Dignidad de Rio.

Desde El Cielo una hermosa Magnana—Desde El Cielo una Hermosa Matina—La Guadalupana—La Guadalupana se fue a Nueva Orleans:CDFC9AAA-9523-4E2B-87AF-10BCE1314889 — Le Grand Quoi?

El Lobo–Hombre en Lutecia
se llama Denis,
Denis Dessoubs…
Anti Impérialista.


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