8 de mayo — El lustro por seguir

Attention all catholics at the Ed Sullivan Theatre in NYC, today is Our Lady of the Abandoned day… en Espagnol quiere decir que hoy se observa el día de La Virgen de los Desamparados

En un día como hoy:

— Los costarricenses celebran el natalicio de don Miguel “el presbitero-torero” Hidalgo y Costilla¹.

— … 72 years ago “Hitler went KAPUT²” and the Nazi’s surrendered to the French. [Did you know that General Charles de Gaulle won “the” WWII. ]

Did you know that the French invented the Red Cross? It’s true, Henry Dunant was born on a day like today… insignificant fact: of all the “rues” in France, the one named for this cat is the favorite one for everyone here [at staff].

  1. Banxico. “Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (1753-1811)” Vía: Gobierno de la República… http ://www .gob .mx /presidencia /articulos /miguel-hidalgo-y-costilla-1753-1811
  2. National Geographic (Society). “World War II in Europe.” (VE Day Slide_May 8, 1945). Vía: https ://www .nationalgeographic .org /interactive /world-war-ii-europe/ 
  3. http://www.croix-rouge.fr


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