Festivus update — May They! May They!

For the record, in Hilo, Hawaii, son Diez después de las Nueve de la noche, y en París, en París it’s the Top of the FO’ist and Louise Michel connected with Anne’s fastball, which she caught at the waist striking a pose and that’s the Second Empire’s Out, just in Time for Cinco de Sasha Montenegro, en Roma… and we’ll see you from NAPLES as George Méliès steps up to the plate With Placido Domingo—Siempre en Domingo, of Course.

In Louisiana, the Burrowing Carville un-stuck his head out of his ass and like a Bourbonic (20) Washington elite Woke the silly French at Sciences Po.

For the record, Carville (Car Vile) is not the first to sound the alarm, an ancient Sciencespo professor and Time Magazine traveler who went by the name Donald Morrison seem to have touched a nerve with a similar observation.

In LoKool Newport Salem‘s news, i can personally relate with Faros®️ a la distancia on my rap sheet, that Virginia is just way too Slim to handle the PCH on PCP… y los Delin-cuentes son muy pinches Delicados™️ for that Trip D.A.R.E…. Thank You For Smoking… yeah Buddy*.

PCH = Pacific Coast Highway
PCP = Phenylcyclohexylpiperidine (aka)
Angel Dust.

And Jason Johnson… Eye needs a hand and Öüï is going crazy trying to figure out what to do with all this dang-dong Essential Quality (14) Elephant Anesthesia and a trailer-load of Marlboro©️ Greens.


In Locos known news, Tweedy Bird is in awe.

You did, Tweedy Bird! You did see a “Lindo-Gatito”, but what you don’t KNOW (mi querido Piolín) is that Diego LUNA spiked that menthol cigarette with PCP, and that is why you are seeing “Chuchos” in the trip.