Objective “Donjon” – George V got evicted on Line 1

If you are born on April the 20th of any day in the Gregorian Book of THEY’S, then Today is your Saint-Estuche ceremony.

Previously on the 100-Jeer Gwar, a 30–Cheer Conflict would develop.

Page One, Mysterious portal opens up at Metro Line 1 in Paris, Pata de Perro Scout Δ 🖤 told y’all about it Yesterday at Charles V Donjon.

Forward, March:

Pause, pg. 13; n⁰ 3763… Cerf-panthère could care less about Camden… New Jersey.


Hablar bien d’otras personas
No cuesta nada…
(Excepto por unas cuantas mentiras)


« Sixième Science »

Previously on Frida’s Tamtam Tangas

Frida Kahlo productions présents it’s its new Edible tangas… it’s Patrimony They in Paris, France, and just like the good General who introduced the Máquina 🚂 501 a el consulado mexicano de la rue de Notre Dame de Victoires 75002… and the Marquis de Sade, it’s FRIDA’S DONG.

But FO’ist!

It’s Mercury’s Blues




Objective “Donjon”… it’s like Club Med for jailbirds in The Old Regime.

Except for one. Évry other cock sucker, including the fellows from La Commune (1871) and this guy by the name of Armand B., of the Spanish Caravan del Rey Fernando 🇪🇦… they all had the time of their life. And then The Bastille was commissioned by to act as a the Free Masons of la rue Cadet in 2017.

But, Öüï, fuck Gérard Depardieu.

Episode X: Madame de Pompadour et Poisson, et Louie XV, et Diderot et. al…

Good Evening [X marks the spot] it’s 21h00 in CET and today is Thursday, October 19th of 2017.

Earlier today, at 1100 hrs. in Central Europe Time to be precise, Catalunya, Cataluña, or Catalonia received a special delivery order from the “Chef” at “Casade La Moncloa in Madrid [1], but before we [the staff] review the menu items included in that historic “bandeja de tortillas a la madrileña,” y esos “churros fritos con aceite vegetal,” we’d like to say thanks to Wikipedia [2] and suggest that if you’ve already donated to the pre-apocalyptic emergency of your choice that arrived courtesy of mother nature, —or a man made fire or war— please don’t forget to drop a coin in the wiki bucket… BECAUSE ALL YOU FUCKERS KNOW that the first place that you visited to get started on your Mémoire or your Post-Graduate Thesis, was a wiki post.


Ladies and gentleman, we now return to our series:

In Search of Diderot, episode TEN [3].

I could not believe it when i first saw the historical marker drawn on a bakery front (where else!?) located mid-point between “le periph,” and Tenon Hospital (75020 along Gambetta) where according to a lady-friend [of the staff] a special unit that is dedicated to treat veneral diseases is housed.

[photo follows]

Ahora bien, queridos lectores que nunca nos leen, antes de que no nos sigan leyendo, es necesario advertirles que el contenido que a continuación va a seguir, en este su pinchurriento blog, se postea sin animo de ofender a ese fragíl ego que tenemos TODOS los mexicanos, incluyendo el de Chavela Vargas (q.e.p.d.), el de Elena Poniatowska y hasta el de Sasha Montenegro a lo mejor… pero sí—don Mario, quiero que sepa que los pinches franceses, tambíen inventaron a “Cantinflas”.

y por supuesto, Chato, que para que la hipótesis de los renglones de arriba se pueda decifrar tendría usted que entender [querido lector@ que nunca nos lee] de que Hollywood tuvo que meter su cuchara en ese guión de Jules Verne para poder catapultar a don Mario en ese ámbito internacional en dónde los “GrabielesFigueroa,  las “Lolas” Del Río, y los “Pete’s” Armendáriz flotaban por aquella estratósfera casí–casí como codeándose [mientras duraba el rodaje de las películas] con las “estrellas” en el  Sunset Boulevard (90069).

German Genaro Cipriano context follows, but first:

It’s Pledge Season Time:

ISSY… doña Pompadour fue hasta de Pancho el carnicero también; context a suivre…

… TimeStamp: 21h00 à la porte de Versailles.


1. Special take-out delivery from Chez La Moncloa: https ://www .bloomberg .com /news /articles /2017-10-19/spanish-government-to-proceed-with-suspending-catalan-autonomy-j8y73fog

Pinche Charlie…

2. La Madame generosa, vía Luis XV: https ://fr .m .wikipedia .org /wiki /Madame_de_Pompadour

Context follows…

3. Did you know that it was the French who actually went ahead and invented The Encyclopedia Britannica?: http://m.eltiempo.com/archivo/documento/CMS-13143767

Tocqueville, Diderot, et Mme. Pompadour de los Poisson —are OK in our Book… Vive La France!

4. Nº 2141; page 4: http ://kiosque .cnewsmatin .fr /Kiosque .aspx?edition =NEP&date=20171019

X… Ladies and Gentleman: The King: