4 de marzo… Hoy no hubo Obama³

Thanks, Obama! TM 9-2350-264-10-1 w/changes.

¡Qué Huevos, de mujer!
Sunny side up, please! Chrissie Hynde is coming to Paris… en Octobre tenía que ser.

To parapar-par-parse, Councilman Howard Johnson (32 flavors and then some) of the Town of Rockridge, U.S.A. :

… and in Paris, France, even as Öüï finger-strokes the black mirror on his smart phone, and so as to not be outdone by that baby Pink Elephant that Eye gave out yesterday, Louis Pasteur just discovered the first albino cockroach.


Thanks, Obama!

Previously on, “Mmmmm, l’Argentina”… my money is on Adrianne Elrod, 👯 period!

But seriously, volks! Dr. Godwin Baxter, was of course, a fag on the same lines of that snowflake 🪶 Brando on the Island of Dr. morEau 🪳, and here is why, Joe Scarborough, because as your fa’Getty fans at BuzzFeed tried to prevent in 2016, Eye is actually part of the concurrence, and off-Course, the motherfucking competition. And, Jonathan LeMire, you can add (+) Natural Species biologist researcher, to my scientific researcher French visa³ of 2010… at least at The Bagagerie.


³~. Look it up, Mme. Gatel, you have access to my dossier.

Ladies in Gemini, behold:

Cucarachas fumando marihuana.

Grief is for peep holes.


The Amsterdam 🇳🇱 ConcertgeBums — I’m Your Boogie Man³

Women is the nigger of the world.

I read the news today, oh boy.

You say you want a revolution?

How dark do you want it?

https ://www .nytimes .com /2022/12/08 /magazine /mexico-general-cienfuegos .html

The Cienfuegos Case: Inside the Case That Turned Mexico’s Drug War Upside Down

Synopsis: The story of a RUSSIAN MERCHANT OF DEATH CLIENT (Gen. Cienfuegos) and “how a Pro-Publica-sponsored NYT investigation reveals how the United States painstakingly built a case against a Mexican general suspected of having ties to organized crime, and then decided to let him go.


¡Ummm! L’Argent INA 🇦🇷

from the interWebs:

And BeIn’ FO’ The Benefit of Juanito Guanavacoa and all of his prescious lovechilds in Québec and RFPP dot com, get your French Retirement with R.S.A. While You Can!!!”

There were three ‘Revolutions’” John Lennon explained in 1971, “two songs and one abstract. I don’t know what you’d call itmusique concrète, loops and that, which was a picture of a revolution.”

La Pension de Florence Cienfuegos Luna en Emmaüs.

At the Time (1968) France was tits-up, and the streets were turned into sandy beaches and cobblestones into rudimentary proyectiles by the so-called “Indigne-Vous” toxic bullshit of Le Courvoisier’s fans, according to Andy Warhol.

Even the then tenant² of l’Élysée fled the Hexagon  (of course He Did!) and found refuge at Abbey Road, according to The Cookie 🍪 Monster.

Jackie Alemany cameos as d’INA BOL u’Arte, and The Stein is AMLO El MALO.

³~. Turn Mí On, Deadman.

²~. Général Leschar de Gaulle.

“Hi, I’m K.C. of K.C. and The ☀️ Shine Band, and I’d like to say hello to all our fans in Holland » :

Be it early mornin’, late afternoon
Or at midnight, oh, it’s never too soon 🛎️ Of course, to BE RECOGNIZED for your work in France, as a foreigner, first you have had to have been a thug, a corrupt cop, a dishonest politician abroad and, most important of all, have a MEMBERSHIP CARD from AMNESTY International in Paris (XVIIIeme) or, a personal letter from any given friend of Pablo Gleason at RFI¹.

¹~. radio france international

.. In local news, the 13eme Arrondissement is celebrating the release of Brittney Griner from VLADIMIR PUTIN’s custody; the release was possible thanks to a prisoner swap arrangement where the basketball star was exchanged for a notorious gun-running smuggler nicknamed, “the Angel of Flight…,” never mind, I’ve just remembered that I am not JUANITO GUANABACOA or a member of the so-call “Voix des Sans Voix” à Paris, Eye is just another Sans Toit, or, as Vilma Fuentes at La Jornada  ‘affectionately” refers to U.S., un « clochard ».

Sources close to the C.A.F. are relaying that Viktor Bout’s paperwork for R.S.A. and retirement pension is already set and Amnesty International is already vouching that the gun-runner be included in the Christmas season stipend known as Solidarity Bonus Check.

Go Ahead, Cerf-panthére, “indigez–vous”:

https ://journal .20minutes .fr /data /3185 /reader /reader .html #!3185

Of course… one must be a Dirty 🇨🇵 French (o un 🇦🇷 Boludo en Patagonia) to enjoy Rosbif misery.


The prisoner exchange between a ganja vaper and a gun-running killer just goes to prove that Ed Luce is a FAG, and that Women Is The Working Class Hero of World… Eye bet Ed Luce thought that I was gonna’ write about that other Lennon painting about women being treated as zero-class citizens at Buckingham Palace.

https ://www .ft .com /content /803741eb-ce9c-4f20-8cba-a26bdb417406