4 de marzo… Hoy no hubo Obama³

Thanks, Obama! TM 9-2350-264-10-1 w/changes.

¡Qué Huevos, de mujer!
Sunny side up, please! Chrissie Hynde is coming to Paris… en Octobre tenía que ser.

To parapar-par-parse, Councilman Howard Johnson (32 flavors and then some) of the Town of Rockridge, U.S.A. :

… and in Paris, France, even as Öüï finger-strokes the black mirror on his smart phone, and so as to not be outdone by that baby Pink Elephant that Eye gave out yesterday, Louis Pasteur just discovered the first albino cockroach.


Thanks, Obama!

Previously on, “Mmmmm, l’Argentina”… my money is on Adrianne Elrod, 👯 period!

But seriously, volks! Dr. Godwin Baxter, was of course, a fag on the same lines of that snowflake 🪶 Brando on the Island of Dr. morEau 🪳, and here is why, Joe Scarborough, because as your fa’Getty fans at BuzzFeed tried to prevent in 2016, Eye is actually part of the concurrence, and off-Course, the motherfucking competition. And, Jonathan LeMire, you can add (+) Natural Species biologist researcher, to my scientific researcher French visa³ of 2010… at least at The Bagagerie.


³~. Look it up, Mme. Gatel, you have access to my dossier.

Ladies in Gemini, behold:

Cucarachas fumando marihuana.

Grief is for peep holes.