Deer Doe at Cinéma Luminor⁹ you gave Nicolle a warm fuzzy

Hoy no hubo aguacates…

The record at the French Consulate in Hollywood Land (2010) will show … That on my original request for the Sarkozy visa (Bruno’s words at the préfecture’s, —not mine) I wrote that, a lot like the trope of Robin Hood, but unlike other hoods, I actually wear an Arrow on my sleeve…


~. You only have yourselves and José García to blame; now don’t go blaming Netflix™ for letting French Cinéma go to Fréjus-sur-FN, and please, PLEASE, Sophie Marceau! $top pirating Australia’s Arches, aussi.

Mí: Excuse me officer, what is today’s spectacle about?

Negritas in slanted form is translated directly from, the French, off-course.

Glass-framed glasses fellow: The spectacle brings Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lopez and Johnny Depp in one Lucha Libre Ring. 🤺

Mí: No shit!, Brad Pitt is hijacking Johnny!

Glass-framed glasses fellow’s wing-femme: (Laughs)… Madame Hidalgo is having a…

Mí: Ah, OK! Madame Hidalgo is having a couch cast call, I swear, that god-damned Paris Tourism Board and their pornographic imagination.

Narrator: Well, can’t say that these two are mutually exclusive…

Live from Bistrot Lagrange… in Arizona, it’s The Circus 🎪.

Money talks and Virgo fucks.

Intermedio — Eye smokes His Zigarette with Style

“We are farmers, pahm–pah_ram-pahm_Pum–pum—pum”.

We covered it

Yup, we too, —Lawrence O’Donnell— have seen a thing or TOO, like the little girl who Wanted to become a Doctor, and we carried that weight, —not the cost. •¡• For the record, Quote: I want to bee ah Dok’Tor :Unquote, period… and, Rachel, please bee advised that the boss of BRONTIS À LA Préfecture de Cité, à Paris knows this.

A walk with Saúl at Echo Park...


32° of Pink with Peter Sellers, follows.

But FOist: a show about doctors
Chapter One

"Un príncipe nuevo"

O César, o nada .Un príncipe nuevo no puede ser bueno“, punto y aparte
Tu serás un sicario humanista, a ce que je vois et entends; des mots, des mots, DES MOTS… OU CE TZAR OU RIEN, de après Manuel Vázquez Montalbán

“El señor Maquiavelo recibe tristes noticias”
ISSY, se supo que FRANCIA
—entrenó y preparó—
¡Con una Gran Chingada, Licenciado Brozo!
… no less:
a los pinches « BLACK BLOQUES Chilangos“,
en el 2013, luego de un “Arreglo” entre
Enrique Peña Nieto y un tal “flamby”.

Article 3

Article 3

For the record there are echos in all them “textos”, and then of course there’s those damn “bunny men”.