Intermedio con Dean Martin — pero sigo siendo el rey

Loud? How loud?

https ://www. themoscowtimes .com /2021/10/26 /russia-to-delay-champagne-label-law-by-2-months-france-a75416

³http ://www .luchawiki .com /index .php?title= Relevos_australianos


To welcome the 2022 edition of the PARIS – TEXAS Feria de los toros agropecuarios en el gallinero de los cerdos, Thee Melle. Pitch Awards and The Red Cross kicked off the peleas de gallos at THEE PALENQUE de L’Agora.
Little Jerry Seinfeld and Little Willie Geist, y Mi Gallo Colorado battle, IT!, out —en Relevos AUSTRALIANOS³— against THEE Paris Tourism Board, THEE Moliéreists, and The FRANCHUTES de Radio France en fip . com

³.~Relevos Australianos features two three-person teams (trios) facing off under captain’s rules. It’s the most well known type of lucha libre matches, and the standard match over the last twenty years ».

Champagne Supernova loud?

Over at EL TEATRO del PUEBLO, The Léningrad Cowboys issue a cover of “What’s The Story, Morning Glory?… is that a pup tent on your LOINS or are you just happy to see Mi… Pleased to meet Ewe 💋


Montserrat follows with a softball for GRAbiel.

³.~ “Relevos Australianos are often, but not always, best of three fall matches…”, in traditional PAN y CIRCO sanctioned matches, the First Victoria usually goes to the SHINING LIGHT Band, or technicians in Nacho Libre lingo, while the Segunda CAÍDA always, AND EYE MEANS always, goes to The RUDE SIDE of the ring.

And in the Role of Beth-any:

That Star on your barandales at the HdV is missing an 👁️, Madame Mayor. Aren’t you glad that you do not need to worry about near future{s} EXECUTIVE decisions.

New Jersey’s favorite Sion, La Pundita.

But FO’ist, failed poker player and amateur chess strategist, Gary Casper-off. All In.

And Zeppelin goes here