It’s still Sunday over at Big Bear Lake

Pg. 14/15 [centerfold]
Section: History according to…
File under: Weekend edition

Note to copy editor:

Delayed transmission.

Her prudish secret is Velcro®

It was about 3 a.m. CET and to account for my whereabouts all that i can tell you is that outside my door —if you had looked up— you would have noticed the beginning of the tail of the biggest bear in the Northern Sky. The settlers called it “The Big Dipper”… although the Idea, i was once told, it had started out as a sort of melting pot.

Time now: 08h49m CET

Fragment of video reference resides in the archives of C-SPAN:

Format and “the binding clause” | TMHPS*

Sunday, April 10
Brunch at a McDo in Montparnasse
by: armando segovia

Meanwhile back in Orleans "binding agreements" reduced the staring role of a black french actor [Pascal Nzonzi] to a token role.

Meanwhile back in Orleans “binding agreements” reduced the staring role of a black French actor [Pascal Nzonzi] to a token role. |  In  a  parallel  universe, a bizarre reformatting was taking place in the vicinity of Radio City Music Hall; over at The Melissa Harris-Perry Show, the host [Professor Melissa Harris-Perry] was invited to COLLABORATE AS A GUEST during one of the transmissions of HER OWN WEEKEND SHOW—over at MSNBC… “the place for politics”. || Photo by staff. Creative Commons—copyLeft.

 Pg. 7: Spectacles
Client: City Hall
Description: The Year of Mexico in France —fast— approaches [time to start calling in all the Clowns]… Talkers Magazine is a prospective client [throw in a green tower to toady-up the customer base with a theme right out of the COP21]… use filler pub to attract local office supplies stores and burlesque venues.

Pasteles de aceite reciclado con testimonios triturados

Pasteles de Aceite Reciclado con Trocitos de Testimonios Triturados, or Subtlety in Tactical Urban Programs Intended for the Disconnected masses. Collage de fotos por: staff, Photos: armando segovia—copyLeft.

Pg. 13: History according to…
Client: The Alamo Gift Shop Store and possibly  Frontier Land USA   [scratch that… restructure marketing for the State of Utah Tourism Board, Mickey is closing the  Cracker  Barrel®  theme and has  opted  for  the leveling of his Americana themed gift shop outlets: The Empire Has Got a New Look].

El Destino de Genetin-Pilawa

There is no violence here… that was then—this is now. | Fair spotlight on user-created history telling designed for the American electorate… for educational purposes —of course. | Context on the ANGRY BEAR Follows after a quick break.  Regresamos…