🎶 Oh say, Michael Che…

Dear, SPC* Michael Che..

So, according to Resident Young Person and, eternal basic training ‘phase one’ recruit, Pete Davidson, no one blasts the National Anthem out of the speakers of their automobile… perhaps, PVT Davidson, perhaps; however, we [the staff] are willing to bet that like Serge Gainsbourg’s take on La Marseillaise, Marvin’s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner has been responsible for one or two ‘accidental babies’ that were made in the back seat of car.

you are not listening to it in the right context, please:

Stand At Attention:

… Un minuto, por favor.

But you are correct, SPC. Che, México does deserve a bit of recognition, just not entirely for things that your script writers would have you perhaps believe and then “babble out” on your Weekend (Thursday) Update report, but rather because 12 years ago, Mexico was one the first to CROSS THE BORDER when Katrina struck New Orleans.

This time around, a dozen years later, a storm christened by U.S. meteorologist as ‘Harvey‘ has rearranged the priorities of the peoples of Southeast Texas, and once again, the people of Mexico have not shied away from lending a helping hand to their neighbors to the North, be this in the form of logistical humanitarian aid from the Mexican Army, or from a handful of bread makers that symbolically engage in a plan of action designed to feed those who lost everything, all the while showing a little support to the White, and to the Black and, to the Japanese people of The Gulf… Entonces, pues: shout-out to PVT-1 Colin Jost, for catching that demagogic nuance on a segment of the Arizona rally speech of Donald Trump.


Uso justo del Pinche Brozo… licenciado Trujilllo, dice nuestro editor-en-fuga, Catalonio Barcelonnetto de Peralvillo, que por favor le comunique usted mismo [no el puto de Rafa] a su ex colaboradors La Reata, que él también está dispuesto a luchar sin la máscara de látex con ella en el asiento trasero de un Shelby-Maverick modelo 1973, siempre y cuando, el Secretario Chong este dispuesto a re-masterizar la versión censurada del Himno Nacional Mexicano por [el maestro] Dámaso Pérez Prado Prado.

… Segnoras y segnores, con ustedes:

La Reata de Brozo

Uso justo de las mujeres del licenciado Brozo para poder reciclar lo que dice el twit del personaje más feminista del doctor Víctor Trjillo, allá cuando “El Magnanero” ocupana un espacio en Televisa… Secretario Osorio Chong, ¿a poco las banderas no se ven bien cuando se usan —como dicen los franceses— de “culottes” para mujer? Díganos, sr. Secretario, ¿a poco, this Checkered Flag, no se ve bien arropando a mi Reata como si fuera uno de los NiÑos Héroes; a poco no, Secretario?

* … el la escala de salarios y rangos en el ejercito estadounidense (llámese—Yankee) el grado de SPC E-4, en una escala que va desde el E1 hasta el E9, se le llama “especialista” y tiene la misma remuneración que un Caporal, pero no el mismo nivel de liderazgo, ni de autoridad.