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Roger (Taylor) DAT…
[H]oy por ser Día de tu Santo, drummer boy.

“It gives you WINGS” .:. 0855B0C1-A74B-4837-9210-964E162269FF .:. It was captured by the CaMeRas that captured the BiKe rack in front of Nº33 rue du Pont-Neuf, heck, “the most informed cop in France”, according to the BBC, should be able to confirm; that fucker’s got access to the eyes in the Sky, right*?

🗣 I’m in Love with my car.

* En contexto, and as the good Reverend and honorary Mexican, Al Sharpton, often reminds his congregation ThAt it-does-take a high definition camera to capture what took place in front of the lens, Sin Embargo, mi muy reverendo en pantalla, i would add that it most often than KNOT, the evidence from a camera depends NOT on the proverbial “eye of the beholder” but rather, en los intereses de los guardianes and oh, —but off-course— the angle of the situation¹can Eye get an Ey-Men

¡Gracias, Maestro!

¹ The inception on the Angle of The Situation: So, just in case the CaMeRaS at the CNES portico with view towards The Indiana, and The doG That Smokes which, como dicen los franceses, « en revanche », face the aforementioned bike rack where the incident took place, —in the FO’ist place and just to be exact— CaPtUrEd a different angle of the event that Gave Mí WINGS, be advised that the exact timestamp of The Situation can be corroborated by the following sequences of events starting at 7 minutes before the 9th Hour and winding back the clock to about 08h30 in Central Europe Time.

7. Mr. K., a fellow SDF stops to say hello. Mr. K., is curious about the reason for me standing next to the BIKE Rack (in so many words, anyhow), i explain the context FO’ist, and then i show Mr. K. the snapshot above ⬆️ with the two car emoji—as he reads and he EnUnCiAtEs, “It Gives you WINGS” EYE THEN proceed to point to the set of WINGS behind Mí, on the sidewalk… Mister Kay bursts out with a most peculiar and deep-toned laugh, very unusual and eerie-like for the soft-spoken fellow from a very exclusive open club, “Where EvryBody knows your name.
6. Municipal Mobile Water-spray Unit LEAVES from the vicinity.
5. Mr. Y. a benevolent ADF at the aforementioned very exclusive open club happened to stroll-by on the opposite side of the street, the Sun by this hour is shining a bright Ray of Light on the East-most leaded window (a rectangle not a circle) of the Church of San Eustaquio, the church recently powered-washed walls are radiant. Mr. Y. makes the Sign of The Cross, takes out his cellphone and captures the Church with his gadget. Mr. Y. then looks towards the danG-on BIKE Rack, spots Mí and waves hello, then Crosses Over to say hello, we exchange admiration to the sight in front of Mí, and i tell him without skipping a beat, (Ari Melber), that that is the reason why i am standing there. I then point to the still bloody WINGS on the previously noted pavement beneath both of us. Mr. Y looks at the set of wings without the rest of the bird. Mr. Y then begins to fidget with his gadget with what appear to be what we, fuck’n Americans call “butter fingers”, Mr. Y then tells me that he is receiving a call, and we both bid goodbye.
4. A sound of something dropped from the sky is heard behind me, i look back and noticed a set of DOVE WINGS on the ground. A flock of birds engaged in a doG Fight are directly above Mí, and fly towards the church that Öüï has already mentioned.
3. A Very Sexy Pair of legs ending at the bottom part of a very nice mini-skirt (in cold weather, no less) is making her way from West to East along the rue Berger. Said pair of legs capture the attention of the pair of Municipally employed brothers and Mí, Öüi, myself—and EYE!
2. The Tunisian fellow (identified just a few days ago) who sleeps outside of The Indiana under the mug of Geronimo, crosses the street to shoot-the-Breeze.
1. Municipal Mobile Waterspray Unit arrives and parks in front of the BIKE Rack, in front of Mí.


Carta a la alcaldesa de París (Cedex): 0294E8DB-DA6D-4412-9BA3-B09539CC8E0F .:. Señora Alcaldesa, gracias por el albergue de la última semana. Sin embargo, rogamos que por favor tome en cuenta que yo no selecciono ni los eventos que se suscitan en frente de mis ojos, ni los los posicionamientos de los anuncios de su municipalidad.
Dicho de otra manera, las alas de la paloma que fueron separadas de una paloma por otra de las muchas aves de París no tienen nada que ver con los mejores deseos que la empresa publicitaria acomodo en las vitrinas con banda rotativa para los anuncios de la rue de Rivoli.
Sin más, Madame Hidalgo: HAPPY NEW YEAR.

And Still to come, after The Revvies, our next “Best Of” show is the ceremony that started IT!, all, “La Nuit des Publivores en el Grand Rex », édition 2021. Our first runner-up in the competition is, The fucking Demon and, Beelzebub.

Let u.s. hope, that next year’s edition of the ceremony that rewards the Donnie Deutsche‘s-es–esos of the world does not disqualify next year’s edition runner-up ad, as it was done in 2012 with The Fritos Bandito’s son.

Context follows .:. 06C8D41D-7B96-452C-9727-965026B6FA97 .:. “Z’at You Santa Claws?”

note to editors:
hoy no hubo Météo on the BFMer report, please stand-by for alternative method, or just open your windows and feel the cold draft.