Dear, President Macron, please remind them Canucks that in Hilo, Hawaii, it is still Alice’s Day

Issy, Monsieur le Président, my fellow blogger over on the land of the Maple Leaf bonds and Mexican silver Eldorado’s might be [why knot, peut être] “the fastest news reporter in Canada, North America and Europe,” but can The Canadian tell u.s. what the color of YELLOW looks like cutting through a clear BLEU Parisian sky on Tax Day U.S.A. in 2019, just before 18h20 on a beautiful April in Paris THEY?

https ://elpais .com /internacional /2020-12-17 /emmanuel-macron-da-positivo-en-coronavirus .html

Congratulations to Ontario… and our thoughts and prayers go to Mr. Emmanuel Macron, and we [the staff] wish him a Speedy-Gonzáles recovery. Ándale—Ándale! Arriba—Arriba!!! 

Perhaps, the same Canucks could relay how it felt to be standing RIGHT below the “Godin” letterhead on top of The Periph’s Vincennes exit ramp in front of a Kosher market in SAINT MANDE on a cold January morning of 2015, when Jim Sciutto (of CNN fame) was more concerned with me stealing his bag, than with a platoon of tactical policemen marching by, and the action on the afore mentioned supermarket’s parking lot.

mini digression for Chris Cuomo:

http ://edition .cnn .com /TRANSCRIPTS /1501/09/cg .01 .html

But FO’ist! For those in on the joke, meals on the set are provided by La Soupe Populaire. La Soupe Populaire, the best meal in the Mabillon and Bill Clinton’s sector at the church at Saint Sulpice.

Thank you for your support.
Sans Celery,
The Staff

Christopher… i regret to inform you, Sir, that you are not Mathilda’s favorite son, and in the words of Sheriff Buford T. Justice: your father (that Sumbitch) used to say that it was not possible that you came from his loins.

Anyhow, Mr. Macron, at the time, when Chris Cuomo was standing outside of Charlie’s hebdomadaire’s World News Headquarters, you sir were crunching the numbers para el LUSTRO mexicano de Mr. Hollande. en France, and that’s a fact, that is to say, that Hilo, Hawaii, is now in-synch with El Santoral de hoy.

And yes… we do

In Paris, France, it’s One o’Clock in CET and Alice has passed the Saint-for-A-They duties to:

Sources? You can’t handle the fucking sources! 🎙561211A1-0E66-4EA9-9F18-DDC70CF504CE