Deer, Tiffany Cross — have a baguette… they Ex_ceptional

Attention camp: tonight’s performance will be conducted by Victoria and the Foux du Fa Fa’s. The dynamic Aussies will be performing the French Classic, “Foux du fafa” followed by, That Baguette is Pain Perdu.

🥖🥖🥖 https ://www .euronews .com /2021/03/27 /france-submits-the-baguette-for-unesco-world-heritage-status

No se vayan… ¡deteniendo! But most important, Katty Kay, please relay to your dearly beloved Shakespeare and C° across Cervantes backyard that, 🗣 No Human Being is Illegal!

… [N]ow if i only had a little talent, the real kind that gives one the Grace to bamboozle donations from self-serving elitist, who as Mark Zuckerberg knows, is for their Mercedes benefits, i would “string” an entire sentence just for context sake, because a PICTURE CAN SAY A thousand WORDS, but where’s the beef, governor⁉️

Fair use of media:

Roots… and Katty Kay, this is what gets my scones all clotted up in the loo, a Brit can find each and every way to cheat John Bulldog just don’t call them fuckers “illegals”. A few months ago, some tv outlet featured a story about some “poor” business executives who could not afford to rent a hole-in-the wall in the London metropolitan area but lucky for them, a daily flight from BARAJAS to Heathrow and a studio in Madrid was cheaper than finding “suitable” living quarters in The U.K..

In Local news, the following 🏗 move is being orchestrated by Victoria (who else?) and the good people at GROUPrAMA à Saint Michel and of course, la bendita rue Serpente (75006).

Ahora con texto, y toda la cosa:

I really hope that los Amigos de Valencia don’t read this echo from the Latin Quarter in Paname bunnyman, because if they do—do, read this section of the blog, Spaniards from Portugal are going to think that the following entry is about them, pero no (punto y coma) this Echo is KNOT about them, it is however bunnyman, about Victoria, my muse of the Month. Victoria by the güey, llega de cualquier color y manera como a ella le pega su chingada gana, —Linsey Reiser. Today she’s orchestrating the Color Green like no other.

Any güey, bunnyman, el Grupo inmobilario Groupama (sin erre, ese) is remodeling the good part of the Sector known as “el barrio latino” de Paname, among their first MOVES, el Grupo inmobilario Groupama (sin erre, ese) obliterated the “Brick and Mortar” institution known as Gilberto amarillo no me pongo, Jaune es mi color, —ese.

Not to be outdone by The Suez Canal Authority, el Grupo Groupama (sin erre, —ese) decided to move an entire building in order to install one single G5 cell tower (punto y coma) bookshelves in the three buildings that used to HOUSE all kinds of knowledge protested, to no avail… the bookshelves were sent to the ScrapYard by the Junta at the art gallery next door… the “Esoteric” section said nothing and that is why that section remains standing… for now. La Junta Inmobiliaria will get them, Aussi, and there will be no History section to save their ass.

Luckly, for Cerf-panthére, el Grupo inmobilario Groupama (sin erre, ese) spared the ESOTERIC section, just so that our favorite fortune teller would not Cry Mí (a motherfucking) River, —you know.

This section is co-sponsored by, the Grupo GroupRama (now with “erres”, —ese)