Breaking News: Cousin Joe ousted The Maddow

There can bee only one.

La cumbia del aguacate

To celebrate Little Havana’s acknowledgement of the Biden Campaign Ticket Victory, the 11th Hour at The BriWi Club broke out with a rendition of La Cumbia del Aguacate 🥑 18938ADE-414B-4A17-9034-C9A47E9B1F67 🦞 Over at the Telemundo Siege, Amanditititita was a Rock Lobster.

Tuesday morning, Paris, France __ The consequences of a “pm version” of the Morjo Show are now main streaming across the programming, and for all of those who do not read this most non-consequential blog, bee advised that in this arc, Rachel Maddow and Joseph Charles Scarborough the Third, are one in the same but on different meridians, Joe gets the “leggo-my-ego” morning section of the hours, and Rachel gets everything past the Deadline episodes of Nicolle.

JOE Scarborough’s incursion onto the primetime election coverage hours on a known American cable news network is causing havoc on the The Rachel Maddow bloc.

Cap studies

Red Cap Studies:
How to go from Comparative Adjectives to Superlative Adjectivities in less than 60 Seconds 🥑
Featuring : from Worse to Worst, becauseThe Curecan’t be worse than the remedy.

Still To Come
The Peter Cat Recording Company
with their breakout hit:
right now is Vile for Kurt,
or some backasswards consequence like d.a.t.

Historians from Tennessee all agree that the last time that a take-down like this happened, it did ruffled a few feathers at peacock central. Keith Theodore Olbermann was not available for comment.

Persea [na] americana

Persea [na] americana … o como dice don Francis “el Che”: Youse Mí Wonderwall

IN AgroNautical news

Mexican variety of avocados (haass) are arriving with “Strings Attached”, this can only mean one thing Eugene Robinson. Find out about, IT!, after a word from our sponsors.

For palette contrast, the regional varieties of MonteZuma’s variety of green oysters (from Spain and Morocco) are not stringy, but are a bit on the insipid side of the color scale, and while the Chilean and Peruvian are a better option/versions of this fruit, them aguacates spoil as soon as Wind gets beyond the skin.