🧂🍽️ Last Week in Cleveland with MC Solar… Get outta here³

³.~ Mr. Brown…stone, “he keeps knocking, he won’t leave Mí Alone, Yauzah“.

Breaking News, not to be outdone by MLB morphing new “acts” like, French Catch, CHICANO Nation President, Andreas Manuales LOPEZ Obrapuerta severed two whole innings from the game. The move … is a complement to MAJOR LEAGUE Politics Nation “persona non-grata” policy of sending GERMANS with brown skin straight to BRASIL… baby!

Le Mexique expulse l’universitaire kurde Erol Polat, invité à donner des conférencesin GUADALAJARA, of all places.

Les États-Unis le considèrent persona non grata.

The King of Sports this fall, in the MEAN TIME, here’s a sneak-peek at LOCAL NEWS: Anne Hidalgo proposeseverything except Mélenchonin the legislative elections in Paris. Mélenchon’s response: *@#k  that  insoumise  #@*ch.

Coming up at King of Sports central… the next Major League Baseball Championship is going to be at Chavez Ravine and next To Disneyland.

It’s the only fitting series for the Apocalypse:

The Battle of The Angels
Öüï don’t need no Kansas City faggots…
Öüï don’t need no New York City Slickers…
Öüï don’t need no Saint Louis religious birds,
Eye seconds that.

Elle me dit, “t’aimes les animaux, toi mon super MC?”

Cuando te hablen de amor y de ilusiones… Well, i did not think the girl could be so cruel.

El Tacontento… Itinerary tacos chihuahuenses de Carne Seca de Camargo (entre El Río Parral y El Río Conchos)… ahora con sel de Guérande