Two (of U.S.)… Houston, öüï’ve got a problem

From “el” ROD’s Fifth Dimension,
a Memo:

https ://twilightzone .fandom .com/wiki/Two

Attention, Montgomery

Attention, Montgomery (Alabama), please be advised that we [the staff of this most non-consequential blog) do not; ÖÜÏ repeat: we do not choose “the” Elizabeth‘s that appear now or, “perhaps a hundred years from now – or sooner. Or perhaps [have] already appeared two-million years ago,” en éste tan intrascendente blog, de La Dimensión Descosida… 🧶

The signposts are in English so that we may read them more easily, but the place – is The Twilight Zone.”

Coming up on the Fed’s wife reports:
Page 605*
Paragraph n° Uno**
Live from la rue, Simón —que sí–
Bolivar; formally la rue Puebla.

The good thing about this blog

The good thing about this blog, doña Carmen Lira Saade, es de que Emmanuel Macron, el PRESIDENTE, no nos lee… porque para eso el estado francés tiene sus estrategas de Sciences Po. — Ayo’ Silver, dona Carmen, Ayo’ Silver .:. 4F1F98EB-3678-4867-9451-C72E5E5AA772 🗺 De cualquier manera, doña Carmen Lira Saade, ¿quién lo diría? que las barras de análisis político en los medios electrónicos de 1984, —con Jacobo Zabludowski— no habían descubierto lo que don Bernardo Gómez si supo “exprimir” para los Amigos de México en Francia, “la potencialidad comercial de la política vista como producto de entretenimiento.” [La sociedad en el espejo de las princesas, párrafo UNO de “¿Quienes Somos?”.

Victor Cha–Cha— Boum! Reports:

Dear, Leader, Kim Jung Un:

https ://www .territoriocaballo .com/colores-caballo

Listen here, sir, the Horse’s (ass) color is “Alazán”, or in a technicolor scheme, —motherfucker— the shade is “cómo el Caballo Bayo”; now we can’t remember who coined it, but they sure banked on it best:

Blazing Saddles a tribute

Blazing Saddles, a tribute On I.C.E. .:. C39BA4E6-5CDB-4C77-B881-950C2222A372 •!• Dear, Leader: are those love-handles galloping strong, or are them lonjas just happy to read us; and We Know you Do. Yes, yes —indeed, we know that you do.

Imitation is the Sincerest form of insecurity, or flattery, or something like D.A.T., Kim (chi-cago) wanna bee.