Dinner and a game



Right now, Al Franken on deck.

It's all for charity, It's all for charity, It's all for charity, etc., etc., etc...

It’s all for charity, It’s all for charity, It’s all for charity, etc., etc., etc…

Moe chronicles follow


And when it comes to the Larry’s… it’s all in the details.

Sin Comentarios | Uso justo de todas las tradiciones y los medios.

Sin Comentarios | Uso justo de todas las tradiciones y los medios.

Take me out to the Sandman park

For educational purposes… USO JUSTO de TODOS los MEDIOS.

For educational purposes… USO JUSTO de TODOS los MEDIOS.

We’ll be right back… we hope.

… Meanwhile, at Luna Park; it’s looking a lot lik’a Hugh Hewitt — Chris Hayes

C’s defeat LA’s


A rose for Joy. | Uso justo de todas las Ganas!… and Fair Use of Media, as well.

… see you en la edición vespertina.
Good Morning. Today is Friday, October 21st —2016.

Go Dodgers!!!