Coming up: La Pausa de los Dos Minutos

Earlier today CET:

If there was ever, a fair use of media, el cuadro de arriba lo es.

If there was ever a fair use of media, el cuadro de arriba lo es.

Y  bueno,  pasó lo que tenía que pasar:  Elizabeth  Warren  se sube al carro de Hillary Clinton… ‘amo a ver cómo se pone la cosa para Sanders…

Up Next:
Weekend After-hours With Chris Hayes.

If you see an extra set of eyes [creeping up] it's just the Brian Epstein era Paul.

If you see an extra set of eyes [creeping up] make nothing of it,  it’s just the Brian Epstein era Paul. You know, the one that looks just like Buddy Holly… and “Grizzly Adams did have a beard,” according to IMdB.   |  Uso justo de  los Vivos   de los Vevo’s… y de los medios por youtube también.

… and if you are in Oklahoma: it’s time to go to jail, “according” to the Arianna crowd.

… and now:

Weekend Edition:
Viernes, 10 de junio 2016
La semana que Phillipe labró:
El guante de Ali.
La oferta para Les Immobiliers en Le Parisien
Una sobre los impuestos, en La Edition Seine-Saint Denis

Knock-out Goals and how to profit on the Parisian Real Estate Market. | Foto capturada por armando segovia enfrente de un McDo en el ayuntamiento de Seine-Saint-Denis… CopyLeft (2016).

Watch out now!!! Knock-out Goals and how to profit on the Parisian Real Estate Market. | Foto capturada por armando segovia enfrente de un McDo en el ayuntamiento de Seine-Saint-Denis… CopyLeft (2016).

TimeStamp: 1300 [time-now]
Note to the Syndicated Crowd: this space is not down with either OPP or TPP [let alone Donald Trump’s PPP], but we are down with Stevie Wonder covers of Gershwin Prize Popular Song Winners as opening acts to The Jonas Brothers.

Note to self: It’s a good thing no one at MSNBC monitors this rag…
Any… güey’s, this entry is running a parallel edition with yesterday’s symphony.
Follow this rope.

[Rope follows]

Let me roll it
let me roll
 [toke] it to you

Lo mejor de poder ocupar un espacio [en un país] donde el sufragio evoluciona con cada vuelta electoral es quizá la oportunidad de poder coger el sistema que a cada quien mejor le convenga —y de volverlo a hacer, como el amor— con la siguiente revolución electoral.

Dicho eso:
No porque te guste Mamunia tienes que ser Mamonia

Elizabeth Warren tiene todo el derecho de ser la carga-antorcha en contra del dueño de la torre Trump… but you can’t go against the Big Banks and then support the path for an economic partnership that is filled with clauses which benefit —efectivamente, Corazónthe mother-funking TPP. [Where’s my music?]

Uso justo de Joe Scarborogh

Uso justo de Joe Scarborogh.

… Stick around, the DIY section will review the latest in lightbulb technologies.

It’s all the rage at Rue de HSBC, and expat’s from ‘el chuco” are calling it “the frankie’.

[image follows]


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Intermezzo — Scrambled Symphonies

a First Look

music by M. Maria Ponce


Melody in the making… [context follows] | Fair Use of Media. || Fourth Movement screen capture is borrowed from the Aljazeera’s Arts & Culture segment: Following Beethoven’s Ninth. Vía: http ://www .aljazeera .com /programmes /witness /2015/05 /beethoven-ninth-150506130135689.html

… and now, prepare to laugh:
Here are the Headlines for
El juebebes, 9 de junio, 2016.
por: armando segovia,

Woman seen wearing a gray garment inside the hallways of Mr. Peacock’s Rockefeller Center.

… sweater-wearing man simply known as “the rage” in the inner circles of MSNBC  disclosed  to  this  outlet that the woman, a vedette on a basic cable morning show sported the look following a ginormous effort on her part [we were told] in order to fit in with the soul dancing crowd.


The Fix is a Boombox… [context follows] | Fair Use of Media. || Ghetto blaster screen capture is borrowed  from  the  Aljazeera’s  Arts  &  Culture  segment: Following Beethoven’s Ninth. Vía: http ://www .aljazeera .com /programmes /witness /2015/05 /beethoven-ninth-150506130135689.html

The Hughleys have come to Mr. Peacock’s home, —to roost… this is not what you would call an opera seria


“You Guys”… [context follows] | Fair Use of Media. || Jester screen capture is  borrowed   from   the   Aljazeera’s   Arts   &  Culture  segment: Following Beethoven’s Ninth. Vía: http ://www .aljazeera .com /programmes /witness /2015/05 /beethoven-ninth-150506130135689.html

we’ll be right back…

TimeStamp: 17h CET [ time-now]

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