First Look at Frenchy’s Animal Farm… with Louis Burgdorf and special guest*

It’s High-Noon.
Buenas tardes tengan todas sus Mercedes, we [the staff] shift gears to “do that stuff” at Frenchy’s Farm.

Coming up after the musical segment,
Lo que El Viento Le Hizo a Manu…

In New York, it’s the oh–eight–hundred re-hash…
In Paris it’s K–Pop time!

¡Aguas!!! En París el agua mineral (con burbujas) brota de las fuentes públicas. Foto por: staff [asegovia3]  •–_!_–•  MeanWhile Donald courts and vouches for the Saudi despot du jour, France is re-inventing the Kemchi… or something like that.

Coming up, an exclusive 2nd First look at Studio 3A nEwes:
Willie Geist is not a baby,
and Cousin Joe is craving a WhataBurger
Jalapeño and Cheese;
like a baby.

Still to come,
a First Look at a local issue
sorry about that,
“local issues” only apply to Staten Island
and their stupid “traffic” and “transportation” problems;
No Fucking Wonder, Cousin Joe,
that a Saudi King du Jour
has the Sovereignty of the U.S. of A.
by The balls—By The Balls, Joe.

It’s Three o’Clock
It’s Seven o’Clock
In Central NATO Time.

Ladies in Gemeni, it’s Jazz time, con Ron y Coca-Cola®… enjoy.

“I’d like to give the world a song”, and then take all of your Third–fucking nations water; because I Am Coca – Cola.

Pan y Agua… para el circo
Issy, this whole water issue has been going on in Mexico, for ages, and our guess is that it probably started or better yet, dates back to when the first stepping stones of Chilangolandia were set. Para muestra “Guadalajara en un llano, CDMX sobre una laguna”.

Scene One: Gooooooool de México.

Según Nicolás Maduro, Donald Trump lo quiere a él mandar matar. Según el presidente de La República Bolivariana  de Venezuela, mientras Mexico anotaba en la portería de los teutones, el presidente de México estaba anotando la privatización del agua.

Scene Two: What are Ewe doing the rest of your life?

Andrés por fin recibe las riendas para dirigir a Mexico.


TimeStamp: 23 hundred Hours en El Panteón de Montparnasse. And in Washington… Oh, Hey Hallie Jackson. So the balls are on Pompeo’s court, eh? Chinchilla balls, for sure. Itsy, bitsy little Chinchilla balls.