Live from The Head of Hydrus³ – No Habrá Compadre Feliz

Well, you know where El Mediterráneo is at, but has Eye told you about la Côte Vermeille?

Over at the concessions stand, Matt Damon stars in, “Ha’ya Like Them Apples? ».

https ://www .lindependant .fr /2022/11/03 /-lexploitation-du-lithium-signale-sur-la-cote-vermeille-et-dans-la-massane-sera-difficile– 10778156 .php

If I told you where my bedroom was, on la rue ferrocarril nº15, Paco Taibo, padre, no el güey de la casita de la cultura de López Obrador, —no dormiría.

Li³ — Litros de a litio.

³~. Right eye looking SW just above Mandela’s Garden at Saint-Estuche… here is a Visual from the Google machine for Évry one who cannot, Eye say a-Gain, who CaNNot see all of Victoria’s Secret in Plain Sight:

I swear this place is full of Em#… Snakes.


And, in case you think that Öüï is chewing grass 🐂💩… here’s what it looks like lookin’ East:

I’m Looking Through You.

Folk hero and conspiracy theorist, David Icke, banned from Netherlands.

https ://www .bbc .com /news /world-europe– 63511142


Here’s a look from the Hip-Hop section of the Médiathèque de la Canopée la fontaine… directly below is where Madame Hidalgo and The Paris Tourism Board buried the headshot portrait of the Notorious RBG 👩🏻‍⚖️ :

Les lepeno – mélenchonitos de BELASCORÁN… “Fusílenlo, después averiguamos”, dijo mi general Doroteo.

change Tú, follows.

“Cuando Una Serpiente”—Sturgeon Moon part II

… note to editors, some dangling participles were corrected from the original draft.

TimeStamp: 21h20; Sundown reflection on the Berger Stairway of The Forum at Les Halles captured just before the Sturgeon Moon Rising at approximately 120° SE (as traced) from the center line that runs East/West on the Baltard Alley and the perpendicular cross section of the Louvre Elevator on the grounds of the Nelson Mandela Garden… Foto por staff.

“Cuando una serpiente le mira fijamente, el pájaro levanta un poco la cabeza… y luego se queda ciego, ciego por completo…”

Bernardo Atxaga *, en “Historias de Obaba” [Sugeak txoriari begiratzen dioneanBi anai; Titulo Original]; pg. 85.

Fragmento del capítulo: El pájaro reanuda su relato… Una conversación sería… Discusión en el taller de costura; en “Historias de Obaba”… Uso justo de los textos bilingües de un vasco.

en fin fella’s, as these two celestial cycles (of Selene around Terra_and these two around The Sun) rotated an interesting thing began to develop in The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Please stay tuned in as that particular Arepa gets both a stretch and an amonestation from the NAFTA duo and in the form of a Vatican (papal) bull… not to mention the ‘intervention from a French chef [1]. This one is going to be a good one:

Plat du Jour:

Arepas from Venezuela
wrapped on a
Green (Mexican) Corn tortilla
served on top of a Crêpe
that was smeared with both a
Melted Three Musketeers®
a Snickers® chocolate bar

Suggested drink:
Anointed Wine
(2015) appellation du Vatican

After sundown summer glow… context follows; foto por staff.

…Menu register:

1. “Las agencies” y La Jornada Online:

International House of Crêpes is now accepting applications: are you lined-up and ready to Go with a rising enterprise once you return from your holiday break? Join the ranks of International House of Crêpes and help Five Star Chef, Manno Macron, take over the whole Enchilada.

… Crêpes, they go well with eggs!