Mean, while Donald Trump is president of the U.S.

18h50 CET


Team USA Uno DOSEspaña Uno

Leila #3

Leila #3 and other assorted majas. Why team USA is wearing Russian colors is anybody’s guess.

Over at the Robert Muller’s household, the wives are watching the 2019 recreation of elDorado tossing  Caesar’s salad.

The last time that a complete takeover went down in Vegas was when stupid-ass Joe Pesci fucked a good thing for Bobby DiNiro, way back in the late Sixties. Stayed tuned for all the lurid details.

The method actor, takes on the role of Special Council, Robert Fitzgerald Mueller, while Joe Pesci acts the role of John Bolton. Donald Trump’s attorney general is played by Roger Ailes ; who of course watches the tossing of Caesar’s salad dressed as The Spaniard, a gladiator on the Circus Maximus circuit.

Min 76… gol de Rusia. No fue penal, pero siendo los EEUU, los penales siguen siendo negocio redondo. Vamos, España… a casa. Vladimir llamó al estadio para que pararan el juego antes de que concluyeran los siete minutos adicionales.

Felipe, come in, Felipe…

¡FELIPEEEEE!!!! No toques a Kay Nº 6…

RE–pito… Felipe, no toques a Kay. God–damned American Outlaws made it through the pass. Bee advised that the broads are wearing Russian colors.