Liar—Liar… pants on, anyone? Pants on 🔥, Anyone?

And, in Turkey… Mr. Poo Teen (get it?… Smells like teen poo) just called Jupiter a Foo-kin’ (Fookin‘, get it? ‘Cus he’s a relative relativo, a un Cuento Chino).

Or something like that… this is, False Friends with your Cousins.

Ask Niño Rota… “It’s a WALTZ that Ewe cannot ReFuse »… o como dicen Les affranchis, de FRANCHUTELANDIA, pues:
ne dites pas à votre main Gauche ce que fait votre main Droite.

But FO’ist!!!
Dear, Cousin Joe…
EYE sees MIKA’s big hairy RUG
and Öüï raises you Carole’s Wide Tapestry
Relative noun in English becomes ‘ParEnte‘ en Francés, primo.

WaWa no get Enemy.

Sin contar por supuesto los adjetivos³, relativos…
a las prepositions.

Biden welcomes Australian EV charger’s plan for Tennessee plant…
on oNe condition, don’t bring your AC~DC, Whiskey barfin’, dingo rock and roll misfits into the Grand Ol’Opry.

https ://asia .nikkei .com /Spotlight /Environment /Climate-Change /Biden-welcomes-Australian-EV-charger-s-plan-for-Tennessee-plant#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20(Reuters)%20%2D%2D%20President%20Joe,government’s%20fleet%20of%20cars%20electric.

— knot Absolut{e}
— Comparative
— compared to {Something} else
— in ProPortion to

… con información relativa de Wordreference . com

https ://edition .cnn .com /2022/02/09 /us /wisconsin-black-student-athlete-disqualified-blm-swimsuit /index .html

And in Alabama, BLACK LIVES CAN’T SWIM. But first, over at the Peacock coop, Mer-yl Streep just got offered the role of Chris Jansing on the MSNBC. Esmeralda’s role will be filled by the Fed’s Wife, Andrea Mitchel. Geoff Bennet cameo’s as “the guy” who doesn’t know how to properly extinguish his cigarettes butts. Sources close to Oscar and his little fucking “Foreign Presse in El Ey”, confirm that Bennet got the role because Bennet is the Face of Ohio (look it up, it’s TROU) and Chris Jansing is like the main Gargoyle at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, ask Ieoh Ming Pei, he knows all the Rites.

Jansing was snubbed for the position of GUARDIAN of LIBERTY at the Capitol Dome, but that is because that would be a slippery slope to Victoria, not because Chris Jansing is like 850 years of age.