La novela de La Legitimidad—Ahora en Inglés

Brian has the night off… we’ve been told
But who’s to say.

One thing is for Certain, and here’s a little Context for one of Mr. Donald Trump’s own judges: Mr. Steve Harvey.  Entonces Mr. Harvey, [after your Spanish/Tagalog debacle we feel that you and we could communicate in Spanish, Why Not].

 “Un Político Pobre Es un Pobre Polítco” is, according to El Corrupcionario Mexicano the mantra of an illustrious Mexican politician known as the original “El Profe“. And by “el profe” Mr. Harvey, the staff here is not talking about ex-fugitive governor Humberto Moreira (Partido Revolucionario Institucional); no, by “El Profe” the staff here is referring to this handsome devil¹.

Good Morning, Live from St. Ignatius of The Beltway

Coctel MoloTélé

Cóctel de MoloTélé [ Si nos dejan—Context follows…] Uso justo de todo el Drama y las Historias de Horror.

Today is Saturday, January the 14th of 2017
In New York City is 10 p.m.
In Paris we just burned the 0300 hours.
… below, you’ll find the second segment of last Sunday’s Emisiones Américas, with Juanito Guanavacoa… [ in the lower part of the Opening Act of this telenovela: Politicos Pobres y Pobres Politicos, you will find the Context for the first segment of Emisiones Américas, spy news edition ]. ShoutOut to Katy Tur the staff here can’t wait —si nos dejan— leer tu libro de tus aventuras con Donald Trump en el 2015-2016, y su próxima llegada ( Why Not? ) a la Avenida Pensilvania en Washington, D.C. [ USA, upper east quadrant of the map ] .

1.  Hernández, R y La Redacción; APRO_1981 ARCHIVE of the Mexican Edition of Proceso; “EL PRIMER BUSTO, LE QUEDABA CHICO. Nota sobre Carlos Hank González, un político rico; Q.E.P.D., y que el Reino del Señor lo guarde en su Santa Gloria. Contenido vía: http ://www .proceso .com .mx /130278 /el-primer-regalo-a-hank-un-busto-le-quedaba-chico