Tennessee — The hotdog bun state

Don’t believe Mí… stand–by for picture, but FO’ist, Philippe Labró is now monitoring “The Show”, but as former Republican “capo de tutti” and Digital Underground MC, Michael Steele, says, it’s gratuitous because the Friday edition of C-News Matinée is already out.

Arrested development

Arrested development… Eye does not know where the parallel irony comes from, but [how do black people say, IT!?] —D.A.R.E. it is. 🌬💨 D8AA1D95-5EE5-4646-8BE1-DC4EFC8EA709 📣 Take me to another place, take me to another land

Witt D.A.T. in Mind, it’s time for the Kristen Walken dead, a show about a whiner and a guy screaming “get off my lawn”.

In Sumerian, and D.A.T.’s no pun —y’all know that Eye is loco for “algo de rhythms, and all-that-Jazz », Öüï is happy to relate that the staff of this most non–consequential blog SURVIVED the “KRISTEN WALKEN dead » only to wake–up to a low-down dirty trick played by Mitch McConnell on Chuck Todd’s Florida (and the rest of the Republic).

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /2020/10/22 /ciencias /a02n1cie

… [B]ut can it match [mostly Mayan] kids to their parents?
And just like he did with Clorox

And just like he did with Clorox… Donald was hit with a smack of inspiration.

After the break of Matt Bradley’s unwinded timepieces, it’s a pre–Halloween Edition Show, ISSY, ISSA… Eye know’s what Mitch did last Summer.