“I love you Honey Bunny”… Ef One Fidy

All right, everybody be cool, this is a robbery! »…

Previously on, Life on Mars, the workers on page 8* have struck for fame (devant l’Assemblée National)
‘Cause Lennon’s BENZEMA’s on sale again
See the mice in their million hordes
From IVRY to the Saint-Ouen Docks
Rule Britannia is out of bounds… AND LIVE FROM MARSEILLE it’s another edition of 🎶 Sapo Verde to Ewe, sapo verde deer Légion d’Honneur… Sapo Verde—🗣to: Ewe… Today’s recipient of France’s highest honor goes to “Revenge Porn” entrepreneur and Crack de fútbol: Karim Benzema .:. 015BBFA8-D84B-48EC-A59F-3B6FB51044F9 🌬 Fans of KB9 lined up outside a footwear store in Paris Centre to purchase the immediate release of the new NIKE LIMITED EDITION “gotcha” sneaker signed by Mathieu Valbuena.

Amanda Plummer in QT’s pulp fiction classic: “Pulítica Facción”.

Any of you fucking pricks move, and I’ll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!

Con información de:
and of course: L’Obs*, and Mí.
.:. 5330D6EB-1C9D-45FC-809A-7C4E3C06C2A8 🔋🐇
But seriously, l’Obs… 12 hours! What are you, like in Little League baseball?

https ://www .nouvelobs .com /medias /20210518.OBS44140 /on-a-passe-12-heures-devant-cnews-et-ce-n-est-plus-vraiment-une-chaine-d-info .html

Oh, happy Theys!

Yes indeed, yes in•deed, it’s Wednesday afternoon in Paris, France, and all of the Little Boys and Girls schools closed early today to partake in what BFM’er TV is calling, and eye quotes, “The liberation of liberty », or something like that.

Coincidence? Only if it was a Tuesday.

https ://old .reddit .com /r /france /comments /nft1k0/whats_prout_and_whats_with_all_the_prout_memes/


P-2 Technology… es en realidad, como dicen en Santa Qtarina, Nuevo Lyon: OTRO PEDO*, wey.

Mika wants a Truck… and because we’ve seen Mike Barnicle’s movie before, might we suggest the Chef’s Special:

It’s really the best of both Worlds and, Julia Roberts agrees.