Over at Shit Creek, Maggie lost her Vespa in Kentucky

And, Juanito Guanavacoa:

Previously on: Listen To The Music.

³~.https ://old .reddit .com /r /mexico /comments /wcuopn /viendo_la_ola_de_xenofobia_en_este_sub_siendo/ expat 


Over at the White House front lawn, Ret. Rear Admiral and Strategic Comms Coordinator, John KIRBY is now in charge of the Grass Cutting detail and police call duties at The Peoples House.


Immigrants vS Ex Pats…

Aquello que es bueno para las remesas de tu presidente, Andrés Manuel López Obra d’Ortambíen es bueno para los extranjeros que no pagan impuestos, por LEY, en México.


Dicen que venian del Sur

(tun tun tun-Tun)

en un carro colorado

La Banda del Carro Rojo
Los Tigres del Norte

and mister T. Díaz,
you probably think that you wrote the perfect “appendix”
regarding “los rinches de Texas“…
“pero en mero San Antonio”
YoYa, —t’estaba esperando.

But First, the followiing is a response to the Federal Aviation Administration Seats Officials. The seats should be confortable enough for Bill Russell to make the final trip… ASSHOLES.