“Hello Darling*”… America [officially] votes today

Monday, December 19 —2016.

Coming up on Brexit News: Las Esquelas del '16. | Uso justo de todos los boletines de prensa y de la puesta en escena de Ziggy.

Coming up on  Brexit News:  Las  Esquelas  del  ’16.  |  Uso justo de todos  los boletines de prensa y de la puesta en escena de Ziggy.

“Good morning,

good Afternoon,

and good night.”

Mr. Burbank on The Truman Show.

In America, ballet season started on Saturday
The  Nutcracker of an election  —finally—  comes to an end as the most important TWO votes [times 50] get casted today.

… and now,
it’s comic review 2016
and every-single
Tom Hanks
character agrees:
the most relevant number on SNL in  —2016
Was The Number 3.
Your are welcome Michael Che. You are welcome.
the staff.

 … and then, Donald John Trump was officially confirmed as the 45th President of The United States of America… no word yet on who will  “officially”  occupy  the FLOTUS gardening duties at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

In other, unrelated —Breaking— news the world went crazy last night [right now it’s the second round of TRMS] TimeStamp: 06:33 a.m. in CET of the Tuesday morning before Christmás.

…and on the half-way mark to Christmas extremism gave to all: a Shooter in Turkey, a semi-truck in Berlin, a shooter in Jordan; and news of Sunday-suicide vested bomber in Southern Yemen.

…and on the half-way mark to Christmas, extremism gave to all: a shooter in Turkey, a semi-truck in Berlin, a shooter in Jordan; and news of a Sunday-suicide vested bomber in Southern Yemen… not to worry; in the United States of America, FOX NEWS will have, come HighNoon of January the 20th of 2017, all of the National Security Bases Covered. | Fair Use of a modified version of the X-mas carol called “the” Twelve Days of Christmas… did you know, that according to Wikipedia ‘the’ Twelve Days of Christmas  is was originally a French folk song… don’t take it from this blog, but yes, even Christmas was invented by the French¹.


Context continues to develop… | Uso justo de todos los guardianes en "el" msnbc.

Context continues to develop… | Uso justo de todos los guardianes en “el” msnbc.

  1. The Twelve Days of Christmas (song). Of course, if you sing it, it must be tuned to an Adam Sandler caroleer singer pitch. For more information please visit Wikipedia on this subset: https ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki /The _Twelve _Days _of _ Christmas _(song)
In maths, the Cumulative Law does not work for subtraction or division.

In maths, the Cumulative Law does not work—we repeat “does not” work  for subtraction  or  division.  |  Fair use of media for the educational purposes of  National Security in the new Age of the U.S. of A. under the 45th POTUS.

Last update: Tuesday morning
at 0930 hrs in CET
…before the staff here signs off,
and being that it is now midnight in Tijuana
we would like to now add the
missing “good evening” part at the top of the post.

"Train rolls on…" | Uso justo de la temporada navideña de SNL—y de todos los medios. ¡Merry X-más!!!

Train rolls on…” | Uso justo de la temporada navideña de SNL—y de todos los medios. ¡Merry X-más!!!