Site icon Armando Segovia

Öüï now returns to the top of the FO’ist — Deer, Defendente Génolini, “how dare you?”

Must be read in a sort of, kind ah, Swedish teen Voice (you fucking sheeple) on account that Öüï is Knot Sure if youse a Boy or a G’Oil.

Page XV… Napoleón is dead. Long live el sindicato de minas, o algo así:

“Vous êtes trop irritable et il est bien difficile de composer avec vous »…


and then Puebla goes, “chula, pues”.

Over at The Pershing Memorial Baseball Field à Vincennes, Anne Hidalgo just received a standing ovation from the empty stands.

Time-delayed Instant Ramen Review

Hidalgo’s low-rising curve ball docked on the limited edition aluminum bat* of Georges Méliès’es–ese Louisville Slugger at the CORRECT Angle and sent Michael Collins to the Right Side of the moon, where Commander Collins is now Walking On The Moon.

… [A]nd Loss of Signal: 👁🖤🐑 F4682F53-5179-4A59-8005-C3DB0D143077 🚀
1*). Normally, in soft-speak aluminum bats are the norm, however, Mika Brzezinski… [T]he First 150th Anniversary Softball Tournament at The Pershing Memorial Baseball field à Vincennes offensive operations (innings) were supposed to slugged using specifically turned bats carved from a single Big Would, do keep in mind that for this tournament each of the historical athletes participating at The Plate was issued five bats, and each team was allotted an additional 150 bats for commercial and commemorative purposes, so that’s a lot of Big Would acreage (hectarage around this neck of the woods). Hilarity —if Eye may call IT, D.A.T.) develops when Major League Baseball finds out that Madam Brzezinski (Mika’s mom) had taken all of the Big Woulds (and then some) in order to run a little gallery show in Nantucket, or The Hamptons, or Camp David… the details of the Brzezinski Big Would Extravaganza remain classified.

Now if there are any DANGLING PARTICIPLES, speak now (motherfuckers) or, FOREVER live on pages 11 and 8 of 16 in this Week’s edition en la vecindad de Philippe Labrador, N° 2586.

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