¡Pfft! Phebruary nineteenth hundred and 45


Ketch-Up, little tiger… and Ewe’r not foolin’ anyone with Ken Salazar’s variety of 🤠 hats, Joe Rogan.

After the break, The GO’ill de Niza takes a trip with Jimmy Pilgrim to Tramafladoria and visits a Zoo in Vincennes.

And in Nice, the Phoenician ate all of pissaladière de les niçoises… BUT FO’ist!!! The fip sirens are boxing-up all of our tropes and De Nise Soula (that motherfucker) is curing an Old Ham and flushing all of the Rolling Stones themes down the WaWa’Loo—man!!!

Thème for a Rolling Stone by Oldham Andrew Orchestra (1966).

Eye saved Andy Warhol… Only on La Tribune de les Críticos de l’Histoire de discos on the Jukebox.

And, GO’ill de Misa, how’bout that Mass, eh? A Catholic with a Lutheran spirit, sounds like a job for SANTO El eNMasCarado de Planta.

Quick! Get me the Chairman of The Board!… ZOOLANDER is At, IT!, again. And he is making RACHEL MADDOW eat her Gazpacho, 🍅 microwaved.

The Humanity… of BLUE DEMON y El Huracán RAMírez.




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